The scene was so chaotic, no one noticed that Liu Tao was swept away by the big waves!

Liu Tao could swim, but the waves hit her head on, and she immediately stunned her!

She was swept away by the waves!

Liu Tao completely forgot that she could swim, and she was constantly fluttering and struggling in the sea~!

But the more she struggled, the further away from the coast-!

The photographer and others all focused on the group of South American girls who are fiercely rushing towards Wang Wu, none of them have noticed Liu Tao!

Liu Tao sank, and drank several sips of water!

Just when Liu Tao was desperate, thinking that she was bound to die, suddenly a strong and thick arm hugged her!

She suddenly grasped that arm tightly as if grabbing a life-saving straw, clinging to that person!

And she was breathing a little because of lack of oxygen, and sea water poured into her mouth!

At this moment, the person breathed her, gave her oxygen, and started to clear her mind!

When Liu Tao was rescued from the water by that person, her eyes widened and she exclaimed in surprise: "Why are you? You are not being?"

The man who rescued Liu Tao from the waves was not someone else, it was Wang Wu!

Wang Wu Meng patted Liu Tao's jade back, Liu Tao wowly spit out the seawater that had just been poured into his mouth!

Afterwards, Wang Wu lifted Liu Tao high and hid himself in front of Liu Tao, using Liu Tao as a shield to block the hungry eyes of those South American girls!

He told Liu Tao via voice transmission: "Sister Tao, when they rushed over just now, I hurriedly got into the water and swam over, which happened to save you. The women here are so terrible, you have to stop them. I, ah, sorry"

When he picked up Liu Tao and blocked himself, his head was stuck in front of Liu Tao, which was really embarrassing!

Liu Tao's face was blushing to the extreme. When I was breathing by Wang Hao's ferry just now, she was in an urgent situation, and she didn't think much about it.

Now that Wang Wu is holding himself in such an intimate position, isn't it usually a couple in the room?

In addition to her husband, she has never been so close to another man. After all, she wants to maintain a virtuous, good and uncle's wife and personality.

But now she has such a close relationship with Wang Wu, although she can't wait, it also makes her heart sway to the extreme!

Moreover, Wang Wu saved her!

The system prompts: "Master, you saved Liutao, and you kissed her so closely. Her favor with you increased by 80 points to 260 points!"

Wang Wu held Liutao high and walked sideways to the coast.

……For flowers………

The hundreds of South American girls rushed to Wang Wu just now and rushed away. They were looking for them now, but they couldn't find them. When they looked around, they couldn't see Wang Wu's face, and they all left reluctantly.

Liu Tao suddenly remembered that when Wang Wu was talking to her just now, his voice seemed to go directly into her ears.

She looked down at Wang Hao in surprise: "How did you talk to me just now?"

Wang Wu saw that Liu Tao did not resist that he was so close to her, so he put on her bikini and said, "The sound transmission is secret."

"Ah, only martial arts masters in martial arts novels can transmit the sound to the secret," Liu Tao said with joy: "Wu Hao, you are too good!"

Now, Liu Tao is getting along with Wang Wu privately, and she can't help calling Wang Wu's nickname.

The system prompts: "Master, Liutao's favorability for you has increased by 30 points to 290 points!"

At this moment, Liu Tao looked down at Wang Wu, her beautiful eyes were affectionate and extremely soft.

Wang Wu moved in his heart, thinking that no one had seen it anyway, he raised his head and kissed him.

After a while, Wu Lei's loud noise came from afar: "Sister Tao, why are you keeping your back to us, Angkor, have you seen him?

Wang Wu quickly let go of Liutao, dug a handful of mud from the water, and quickly smeared it on his face. and,

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