After experiencing life and death, Liu Tao drank a few more glasses of wine in order to be shocked.

After drinking, her face was red and she looked very delicate and charming.

Wine is a match for sex, and wine strengthens courage. This is not only suitable for men, but also for women.

When Liu Tao drank a few more glasses, when she looked at Wang Wu, and remembered the scene of her and Wang Wu in the sea, her thoughts came to life.

At this time, Liu Tao sat down beside Wang Wu in the name of being convenient to pour wine for Wang Wu.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, when everyone was chatting, Liu Tao's hand grabbed Wang Hao's hand under the table and wrote on the palm of Wang Hao's hand.

Wang Wu's heart was swayed, this beautiful wife is really affectionate, a wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than stealing, so in front of dozens of people and many cameras on the scene, it is really enjoyable!

He felt it, Liu Tao wrote on the palm of his hand, "I'm going to see you tonight."

Wang Wu understood what Liu Tao meant. She wanted to spend a good night with Wang Wu.

His brows wrinkled slightly. Although he lives alone, the soundproofing effect of the homestay here is very poor, and there are a lot of cameras on the mango stand. Liu Tao and Hu Qing live together, Liu Tao is not there all night, Hu Qing knows of.

Therefore, Wang Wu told Liu Tao about these problems by using the voice transmission to enter the secret, suggesting that Liu Tao said that she had dropped something on the beach and asked Wang Wu to accompany her to find it.

Liu Tao heard Wang Wu's voice and was astonished to the extreme. How could Wang Wu say these things in front of so many people.

But she suddenly discovered that other people at the scene were still talking and laughing, and it didn't look like they heard what Wang Wu Gang said.

When Liu Tao was shocked, Wang Wu’s voice rang again: “I’m a voice transmission and secret transmission. Only you can hear it. If there is anything inconvenient to say in front of other people in the future, I will pass it through transmission. The sound enters the secret to tell you 々ル."

The sound transmission into the secret! Liu Tao was astonished to the extreme. I really didn't expect that Wang Wu would actually transmit the sound into the secret like the legendary martial arts master. He is too powerful, so I admire him, love him so much!

Liu Tao's beautiful eyes are sentimental, the autumn waves are flowing, and Wang Wu's eyes are full of worship and admiration.

The system prompts: "Master, Liutao has 30 admiration favors for your voice transmission and secret secrets, and 370 favors for you!"

After eating, Liu Tao went to the bathroom. After returning, she suddenly shouted, "God, my bracelet is gone!"

How did everyone know that this was Liu Tao who wanted to find a reason to go out with Wang Wu, and they also helped Liu Tao find it.

After searching for a while, Liu Tao suddenly realized: "Oh, I remembered, my bracelet fell on the beach! I'm going to the beach to find it!"

As she spoke, she hurriedly walked outside with pretense.

I have to say that Liu Tao deserves to be an excellent actor. His acting skills are very good and very natural, not as exaggerated as in "Miyue Biography".

Liutao can store, cook, drive, speak English, live, meticulous, strong physical, strong aura, but also because of the lack of flowers, Liutao, who has always been showing a gentle and virtuous image on the screen, directly transitions to the general offense. People set, become the high IQ female elite Andy in "Ode to Joy", and the unshaven Nihuang princess in "Langya List". More commendable

The thing is that she never abandons her husband. Soon after getting married, Boss Wang went bankrupt and owed huge debts, and she also suffered from depression. Liu Tao just gritted her teeth and stood up. She took care of the children while taking care of her husband. She desperately took the scene and filmed. In just a few years, she was still stunned. She cleared her husband’s debts, and her business was very successful. She even played a crossover and sang again.

It's comedy again, and they all won the championship.

Everyone believed it to be true, and Huqing quickly grabbed Liu Tao's hand: ".~ Tao, it's so late, the security in Rio is very bad at night, why don't you wait until tomorrow morning to find Barren.

Liu Tao looked panicked: "I am worried that someone will pick it up or be swept away by the tide. That bracelet was given to me by my best friend. I must find it back!!

Although Huqing is an actor, even an actor who has been a queen, she was fooled by Liutao. Believing it to be true, she said: "In this case, let's go with you! Let's find it for you.".

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