These sturdy men are holding guns in their hands, and Wudongdong's muzzle is facing Wang Hao.

One of the sturdy guys looks exactly like Hollywood martial arts superstar Dashi Johnson.

He grinned at Wang Wu and said: "You dare to hurt great white sharks. We belong to the animal protection organization. Please come with us!"

"The animal protection organization?" Wang Wu sneered. People from the animal protection organization can at best put out guns. How could it be possible to carry live ammunition.

These people are clearly the agents of the mold country or other organizations, and they want to catch him and go back to be a guinea pig!

Thirteen large-caliber pistols were aimed at Wang Hao, and they looked as if they were sure of Wang Wu.

In their view, no matter how powerful people are, they can't escape under the guns of their dozen sharpshooters!

But they found that Wang Wu looked around them, his expression was not a bit afraid, his face had a mysterious smile.

It's strange to say that when they met Wang Wu's eyes, they all felt dizzy, and their expressions were a little sluggish!

At this moment, Wang Hao shouted in English: "Throw the gun!"

All these thirteen sturdy men threw the guns in their hands in a wicked manner!

When they reacted, it was already too late, and saw a lightning-fast figure passing around them!

"Sunflower acupuncture hand!" In an instant, all these thirteen sturdy men were clicked in the acupuncture points by Wang Wu, standing there stiffly, motionless!

It turns out that Wang Wu just used the most difficult trick in [Hypnosis], group hypnosis, using his powerful mental power to hypnotize these thirteen big men, and let them consciously throw the gun!

Afterwards, Wang Wu once again deeply hypnotized the big man who looked exactly like Dashi Johnson.

He learned from the big man that they belonged to the Central Intelligence Agency of the mold country!

The Central Intelligence Agency of the Ming State is referred to as the Central Intelligence Agency CIA. It is one of the four major intelligence agencies in the world. It is headquartered in Langley, Virginia. organization".

The main task of the Zero Country CIA is to openly and secretly collect and analyze information on foreign governments, companies, terrorist organizations, individuals, politics, culture, technology, etc., coordinate the activities of other domestic intelligence agencies, and report this information to the country. The work of various departments.

It is also responsible for maintaining a large number of military equipment, which was used during the Cold War to prepare for the overthrow of foreign governments. Or experts in certain fields, the organization, personnel, funding and activities of the agency are strictly confidential, even Congress cannot


And these big guys belong to the Science and Technology Department of the CIA, specializing in collecting people with special physiques or abilities in various countries, arresting the past to do research on mice, and researching hormones that can enhance their physique and ability of the soldiers of the country!

Wang Wu was immediately surprised. Fuck, the CIA, which is the largest intelligence organization in the world, has more than 20,000 employees on the surface, but more than 200,000 people actually work for them.

What should I do if such a huge organization has taken care of itself!

How does the power of one person fight the power of one country!

What's more, if the people of the country threatened him with his confidantes, what should they do!

The people of Mold Country are completely capable of doing such despicable and shameless things!

Then, Wang Wu heard something and shouted: ".~Who? Still coming out!"

More than a dozen people appeared behind those CIA agents, all of them were black-haired and dark-eyed people!

Although everyone is not very tall, they look very capable and their eyes are very sharp!

The first two people came over with smiles, one with a clean figure and a pair of glasses, the other with a stronger figure and sharp eyes like an eagle.

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