Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 367 It turns out that I was actually a wealthy prince!

Shao Danfeng cried and said, "They wanted to kill you, but your father and I forced you to die. They agreed to let us put you on the top of the Fragrant Mountain to see if anyone would adopt you. We originally wanted to You need to know who adopted you. As a result, by mistake, we searched the entire capital, but we couldn't find the person who adopted you in the past.

It turns out that Wang Changjiang and Zhang Xinhua, Wang Wu’s adoptive parents, worked in Beijing. They had been married for many years and had not given birth. That day, the couple went to Xiangshan to play and happened to see the child in the infant. The child’s name was "Wang Wu". With the same surname as Wang Changjiang, they all felt that the child was given to them by God, so they hurriedly took away Wang Wu from the blessing!

Originally, Shao Danfeng sent someone to stare at who took him away, but the person who was sent neglected his duty and did not notice that Wang Changjiang and Zhang Xinhua took Wang Wu away.

Wang Changjiang and Zhang Xinhua were worried that someone would ask them for their children, so they quit their jobs and took the children back to their hometown to raise them.

Wang Guohua and Shao Danfeng sent people to search everywhere. However, Wang Changjiang and Zhang Xinhua's hometown was in a very remote mountain village. They couldn't find it at all, and all the technologies 18 years ago were not complete, let alone the Chen family, Shao family, and Wang's parents. They all put strong pressure on them, so that they could not mobilize all their power to find them. The result was that the kingdom

Hua and Shao Danfeng have been separated from their son Wang Wu for 20 years!

Some time ago, Chen Haicheng, the elder of the Chen family, passed away, and the Chen family was completely in decline. With the advancement of Wang Guohua's status, the Wang family has stabilized the Chen family. Wang Guohua divorced Chen Jianhong and then reunited with Shao Danfeng!

They said it was a reunion, not a remarriage, because they were not married at all. Before they were only in love. They became pregnant when they were unmarried. Then the three elderly people beat the mandarin ducks. But 20 years later, Wang Guohua and Shao Danfeng still love each other. Wang Guohua has even been in love for the past 20 years. Never had a room with Chen Jianhong!

They are still not getting married, and they are also scrupulous about public criticism.

After Wang Guohua and Shao Danfeng got back together, they tried to have another child, but they found sadly that because both of them had been working desperately these years, their bodies had problems. It was not a health problem, but a fertility problem!

Shao Danfeng mentioned again to retrieve Wang Hao. It happened that at this time, Wang Wu's movie was released. A distant relative of Shao Danfeng accidentally mentioned when chatting with her that there was an actor who looked very much like Wang Guohua when he was young.

The speaker had no intention, the listener had the heart, and Shao Danfeng quickly found Wang Wu's photos on the Internet!

At that time, she could tell at a glance that she was the child who was abandoned by herself.

She hurriedly sent someone to investigate Wang Wu's family background. As expected, Wang Wu was the baby boy that Wang Changjiang and Zhang Xinhua took away from the capital back then!

The reason why Shao Danfeng has not recognized Wang Hao is that on the one hand, he is worried that Wang Wu is resentful against them. On the other hand, there are many voices of opposition within the Wang family and the Shao family.

More importantly, their relationship with the Chen family was not handled well. Not long after the death of Mr. Chen, Wang Guohua couldn't bear it. He divorced Chen Jianhong and had already been criticized by other families in the upper class. The child who was discarded under the orders of Mr. Chen to recognize it back then just hit him in the face of the Chen family!

Although Mr. Chen's practice was very Damn it back then, Mr. Chen still had a lot of proficiency and deceased officials. They still occupy a key position, and the Wang family wants to give them face for the time being.

These days, Wang Guohua and Shao Danfeng sent bodyguards to secretly protect Wang Hao, while using the power and resources of the Wang family and Shao family to suppress the Chen family. The Chen family's prostitutes have fallen (good), and the Chen family has been devastated and never dare Pointing at Wang Guohua and Shao Danfeng's recognizing Wang Wu.

At this time, Wang Wu had already followed the "Flowers and Boys" program group to the Samba country.

The people in the Dragon Palace noticed the difference between Wang and Wu, and sent people to secretly protect Wang Wu, and wanted to attract Wang Wu to join the Dragon Palace. They happened to collide with the bodyguard sent by Wang Guohua to protect Wang and Wu. The people in the Dragon Palace are even more determined to absorb Wang Wu to join the Dragon Palace, because Wang Wu is the descendant of the Wang family, the founder of the country, the roots are Zheng Miaohong, and the political trial is over.

No problem at all!.

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