Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 370 Holding Zheng Ao's face!

Zhang Sheng said: "Venerable Chang, you don't need to worry too much. The CIA will soon learn your true identity, but they dare not send a large force!"

Think about it, too, as Wang Wu, if the CIA really makes him good or bad, Wang Guohua is angry, and the country can only eat it!

The dozens of CIA agents mysteriously fed the sharks and asked the CIA to measure Wang Wu's strength and would not easily send people over.

In terms of mold country, such as the "One Hundred Zero" Guo sent people to deal with Wang Hao afterwards, it is estimated that they will also be weak version of the Avengers and the like.

Only this kind of master's one-on-one battle caused Wang Wu to be defeated and killed, and it would not trigger a large-scale war!

Wang Wu also realized this and decided to focus on strengthening his own power for a while.

At this time, Zhang Sheng led most of the Dragon Guards to leave to perform other tasks, but left two Dragon Guards for Wang Wu, and Lin Feng with two bodyguards.

The bodyguards of the Wang Wu family were all special soldiers before, but later they also used those special potions to become a super soldier no weaker than Dragon Guard!

Wang Wu didn't let them follow the protection closely, but let them follow the protection from a distance.

When the car started, Wang Wu took Liutao back to the homestay, and was surprised to find that everyone was not asleep.

When Wang Wu and Liu Tao came back, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Hu Qing said strangely: "Why have you been there for so long and turned off your mobile phone, making everyone worried, and you are preparing to call the police!"

She knew very well what Wang Wu did with Liutao, but it was not right to think about it carefully.Wang Wu took Liutao to the beach, only half an hour's drive, and an hour's drive back and forth, but Wang Wu and Liutao lost contact for nearly four times. Hour, did they linger on the beach for three hours?

Wang Wu smiled faintly: "I just met a group of gangsters and it took some time to beat them away.

"Ah! Are you okay!" Hu Qing, Li Feiwan, Zheng Xun, Zhang Xueying, and Ju Jingyi asked worriedly.

Wang Wu shook his head and said with a smile: "What can I do, there is no injury at all, all those gangsters have run away."

When Gang Wu Wang Wu was fighting with the CIA agents, Liu Tao was still asleep. Just when the Dragon Guards shot the CIA agents, Liu Tao was still asleep, because those Dragon Guards guns were all equipped with mufflers!

When Liu Tao woke up, everyone else was gone, and Ye Feng followed Wang Wu's car with two dragon guards and two bodyguards.

Wang Wu just told Liu Tao that when he was asleep, he drove away a group of gangsters. Liu Tao believed it was true, so he didn't ask much.

Now when people ask, she also helps Wang Wu say: "Yes, a dozen gangsters came and they were all beaten away by Wang Wu!

Everyone believed it was true, and immediately relieved.

Huqing looked at Liutao with sneer: "Did you find your bracelet?"

Liu Tao took out a bracelet from her bag: "Found it.

It turned out that she had already prepared and put a bracelet in her bag.

Zheng Du looked at the bracelet and said in doubt: "I didn't see you wearing this bracelet on the beach this afternoon!"

The smile on Liu Tao's face suddenly froze.

Wang Wu hurriedly stepped forward and held Zheng Xun’s face: "Xiao Shuang, is there something wrong with your eyes? The bracelet Tao Sister wore in the afternoon is obviously the bracelet. Come, let me help you look at your eyes. They are dark. Lacquered, no problem

Two 3.5 people face each other, and their faces are less than ten centimeters apart.Zheng Ao can see herself in Wang Wu's pupils and feel Wang Wu's breath rushing to her nose. She is shy and her small face is flushed!

If not everyone is here now, she can hardly resist the infection of Wang Wu's charm, she will close her eyes

At this time, Zheng Ao's mind was completely occupied by Wang Wu, and he had no time to think about whether Liu Tao was wearing that bracelet in the afternoon. .

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