Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 385 Sister Zhiling put down her restraint!

Lin Zhiling feels very strongly about Wang Wu, but she still hesitates.

Before that, Lin Zhiling was in love with people like Yan Chengxu, and she was always let go of pigeons, and her heart was full of insecurity. She was very worried, how was she with Wang Hao, Wang Wu took her pants and forgot her NS!

Probably most women are worried about this!

Compared with the fear of being abandoned by the beginning of chaos, Wang Wu's fragrant love flow only intensified the fear of being abandoned by the beginning of chaos and the end!

Wang Wu has experienced so many women, and he knows exactly what women are thinking. They like to talk sweetly to each other in order to seek a sense of security and get rid of the fear of being abandoned.

Although Lin Zhiling is a goddess, she is still a little girl in her bones. She is not strong enough to be single for a lifetime. She still has 14 fears of this kind, and even this kind of fear is stronger than ordinary women. No one knows that if she is abandoned by the beginning and the end, she will become the laughing stock of the public. It may be because of such concerns.

Lin Zhiling didn't dare to walk into any relationship easily!

Now, what Wang Wu has to do is to dispel the suspicion in her heart.

Wang Wu knows that Lin Zhiling is very smart and has her own opinions. Such a woman just talks in the same generality as before, and she will not really feel at ease.

Therefore, Wang Wu activated the hypnosis skills to convince Lin Zhiling's subconscious that he would still not abandon her.

Wang Wu stared at Lin Zhiling's beautiful eyes, his eyes were bright and energetic, deep and charming. Lin Zhiling's consciousness was quickly conquered by Wang Wu. Wang Wu's words seemed to trickle and moisturize her dry heart: "Zhiling, I Unlike most men, I am a person who has a strong desire for exclusivity. If I have a relationship with a woman, I hope to last for a lifetime. I am

The attitude of a woman is not to abandon, not to give up

To tell you the truth, I have other women, but each of my women will have a bowl of water, and will not be too thin

Materially, you don’t have to worry. My assets are ten times that of Guo Taiming, the richest man on the island. You and I will be able to enjoy tens of billions of Taiwan dollars in assets in the future.

Don’t worry about your future development. I am the grandson of the King’s family in Beijing. I will guarantee that no one will dare embarrass you in your future development.

However, you and your parents need to have the same inclinations with us. If they are not the same, neither you nor your father’s career can be guaranteed. I believe you are all smart people.

I will marry you because I belong to a special organization, and everyone who joins that organization can be polygamous, and you will be my legal wife

I know that you are still worried that you are much older than me. Don't worry about this. I will work hard. I can help you delay aging and help you stay young forever. You will become younger than you are now, maybe until you are eight. Ninety years old, and as young as now"

Wang Wu’s hypnosis, it can be said, comprehensively covered all Lin Zhiling’s worries, and made her believe from the bottom of her heart that Wang Wu can give her safety and happiness for the rest of her life.

Under the hypnotism of Wang Wu's powerful mental power, Lin Zhiling was completely moved. She believed in her consciousness and subconsciousness. She couldn't help lying in Wang Wu's arms, tears like rain: "Why, why didn't I meet you earlier? ,Wu Hao"

The system prompts: "Master, Lin Zhiling has 50 points of favor for your oath, and 50 points for your status. She has 400 points for you!"

When Wang Wu heard Lin Zhiling's words, he couldn't help laughing: "See me earlier, I'm not an adult yet.

Lin Zhiling just remembered that Wang Wu’s age, including Wang Hao, was twenty years older than Wang Hao. If she changed her job, she would not have the courage to go to the old cow to eat tender grass, but Wang Wu just told her "I Skills, can help you delay aging, but also help you stay young forever, you will become 143 younger than now, maybe until you are 80 or 90 years old, and like now

So young", she is convinced of Wang Wu's remarks!

Lin Zhiling nestled in Wang Hao, infinitely soft and charming, looking like a girl in her early twenties falling in love.

She looked at Wang Wu charmingly and eagerly with beautiful eyes, and asked: "How do you let me delay aging? How can I stay young forever?"

Wang Wu smiled and said: "If a woman wants to be young, she can't leave the nourishment of man's love, and my nourishment is especially magical. Tomorrow morning, if you look in the mirror, you will find that you can be at least 10 years younger."

At Lin Zhiling's age, the most feared thing is aging. When I heard that I could be 10 years younger, I watched Wang Hao closely: "I can't wait, come and moisturize me."

When the feelings reached a certain level, Lin Zhiling had already let go of the goddess' reserve, just like an ordinary woman. .

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