After entering, Aunt Xue smelled a strong smell of heather blossoms, which was uploaded from Lin Zhiling.

The two of them simply rudely ruined the cabinet and searched for it for a long time, but found nothing!

Lin Zhiling and Jiang Yan both continued to pretend to ask them blankly, what happened?

After all, Lin Zhiling is a female star on the island, and her age is not very different from Aunt Xue and the others, even considered the same generation. Aunt Xue and the others are not good at condemning Lin Zhiling, so they asked Jiang Yan: "Is there a man in your room?"

Jiang Yan is not an eager woman. She understands better that Wang Wu's behavior in this room last night is unspeakable. You must never mention this to anyone, otherwise it will spread, and Wang Wu will become like Teacher Chen. Notorious (not necessarily, now people are more tolerant of unmarried young men's emotional problems)!

She 163 wants to get along with Wang Wu for a long time, so she has to protect Wang Wu's reputation.

Lin Zhiling is smarter and naturally understands this, so she insists that she has never seen any man come in!

Aunt Xue smelled the strong heather-like scent, and really wanted to point to Lin Zhiling’s nose and curse, "You obviously just spent time with that man, and you are still pretending to be pure with your old lady", but such words can't be said. Exit, after all, she is not a judge or a policeman. She has no right to let Lin Zhiling explain anything. She can only sneer: "This place is a capital of crime, and the public security is very important.

Confusion, we are a little sensitive because we are afraid of something bad will happen to you two big beauties. "

(bedf) She is more curious, what kind of man is it that can make the stunners in the eyes of Jiang Yan and Lin Zhiling both embrace and carelessly serve one husband?

On Wang Wu's way back, Lin Zhiling's figure was still circling in his mind!

There is no navigation sound from Zhiling's sister in the car, and he is still a little uncomfortable!

It turns out that in that life, Wang Wu talked about a few barbaric girlfriends, and was fed up with those women, so he doubled his love for gentle women like sister Zhiling!

The gentleness of sister Zhiling is not like some women pretend to be in the early stage of love, and it will be revealed in the later stage of love!

Sister Zhiling has always been gentle, gentle from beginning to end, just like Liu Dehua's diligent human design. If a person can persist in the human setting for a lifetime, it is not like that before, but it has become that way!

Lin Zhiling, born in 1974, starred in Zhang Guorong’s MV debut in 1998. At least 20 years after appearing in the public eye, almost every scene Lin Zhiling appeared in was beautiful. In recent variety shows, the appearance is almost flawless even if it is close-up. , The expression is not stiff, the emotion is sincere, the body line is still the same, the original legs, the original beauty.

But is it enough for twenty years to look beautiful?! You may underestimate Lin Zhiling, her beauty and her restraint.

As Lin Zhiling's "best friend" in the circle, Cai Kangyong once revealed on Weibo: One night at two or three in the morning, he suddenly received a text message from Lin Zhiling, saying that he had a lot of things in his heart and wanted to talk to him. So the two sat in distress and chatted all night: "Actually, I also have a lot of questions to ask her, so we talked around the world, unknowingly it was bright.

NS. And I was surprised that for the entire 8 hours, she had been sitting upright in the chair, maintaining the manners of a lady, and I was so tired that I fell into the corner.

Not only that night, but also Lin Zhiling's acting career, she has been sitting in her position in distress for 20 years!

Maintain her etiquette and look and figure most worthy of the audience!

The beauty of Lin Zhiling 360's no dead ends is not a natural beauty. It is maintained by her insistence on sports. In reality TV shows, she gets up early and curls her belly every day. In the early years, the standard yoga postures used in the commercials were taken by precepts and deeds. Now the yoga postures in the show are still standard. You can stick to the original beauty for 20 years. Can you do it?.

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