Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 394 French beauty singer Alizee!

In order to avoid being surrounded by enthusiastic mixed-race foreign girls as before, this time, Wang Wu Yi Rong Cheng Wang Dazhi looks like a 360-degree blind spot.

As he expected, when he walked on the road, he was very safe, and even drunk women would not come to him.

Wang Wu is closely observing those mixed-race beauties on the street!

He wants to have a dewy marriage or something, but he doesn't want to mix with those women who have very slutty private lives!

Therefore, he wants to use his own experience to identify beauties who do not have so many private lives, and let the system help him identify them again!

To be honest, in Rio, where the four seasons are summer, the atmosphere here is as passionate as fire, and people are also as passionate as fire. They are all dressed in cool clothes. They are all mixed races and do not have the moral consciousness of our country. Open the house when it is pleasing to the eye, so men here can have many partners in their lives, and of course the same is true for women, just like the average men in our country have

Ten partners, correspondingly, women have the same!

Therefore, Wang Wu took a look, f*ck, all of them are very casual women, some of them are really good-looking, but because they have had many partners, Wang Hao has no interest at all!

He swayed for half an hour, but didn't find a suitable object!

Wang Hao thought that this night may be nothing, and it is almost impossible to find a pure beauty like Tina Giselle!

When he passed a bar, he suddenly saw a beauty in the corner of the bar, not a brown mixed-race beauty, but a white beauty with white skin!

She has black and beautiful hair, and her facial features are extremely delicate and beautiful. If she smiles, she must be very sweet, but at this time her expression is very melancholy, as if she has suffered a major setback in life.

She is wearing a black short skirt, outlines a very hot figure, protruding forward and backward, with a slender waist, looking extremely hot.

Suddenly, Wang Wu felt that she was very familiar, and carefully distinguished that it was Alizee, a famous French singer.

In 2000, Alizee, who was under 16 years old, participated in the audition competition for the French TV M6 rookie selection and won the championship. Lijie signed a singer contract. A few weeks later, Marlene Farmer’s maiden single tailored for her was released.

, Won the French ranking champion for several weeks, not only won the diamond record in France, but also other European countries have set the record of double platinum or gold records. The eight major country music chart champions, the sales volume reached two million, and it was also in England. Set a new record, Alizee became the second in England after French singer Vanessa Paradis

French singer on the TOP10 list. On November 21 of the same year, Alizee released her first album "Gourmandises". The album was sold all over France and achieved platinum record sales within three months. She was only 16 years old at this time. At the end of the same year, "Gourmandises" had a global sales of 4 million copies, and Alizee won the M6 ​​Music Award and NRJ Music.

Awarded the "French Most Promising Newcomer Award" and the "Best Music Award" and the World Music Award, and won the HitFm Music Award in Russia.

At that time, the major media gave her a very high evaluation, saying that Alizee was a girl with artistic and singing potential, and she loved dancing, singing and acting since she was a child. Alizee became famous overnight, and she has a beautiful appearance. And her charming body language quickly became a new icon in the French music scene.

Alizee has a sweet smile and a perfect figure, and was praised by the French media as the "perfect facial features of an angel"

After Sophie Marceau, Alizee became the second French high-quality idol who became popular all over the world under her age.

However, like some singers, Alizee's debut is the peak. Since then, her achievements have never been surpassed, because she became popular in the Lolita style. When she became mature, especially when she got married, She lost that charm.

On March 25, 2003, 18-year-old Alizee met the French male singer Jeremy Chatelaine of the same age while performing on a French pop TV show. Six months later, they held a wedding in Las Vegas, and then , She withdrew from the music scene at her most glorious time.

Three years later, when she came back again, her place in the music scene was no longer there, her albums no longer sold, and people no longer remember her.

She struggled hard for another ten years, but she flopped more and more.

Now I don’t know what happened to her. How did she get drunk in a small bar in Rio? It may be because she has been less than 3.5 in popularity in recent years. No one in the samba knew her, and they all regarded her as a normal beauty. .

Maybe some kids don’t know Alizee anymore. A few years ago, Alizee was the true goddess. Wang Wu watched her singing video and saw her dancing gently while singing. She was very graceful and smiled. The eyes are very bright and they look gorgeous, which is so beautiful.

She doesn't need to dance with others, she can fill the audience alone, she can't imagine that there is a female singer in China that can do this!

Wang Hao wanted to come forward to strike up a conversation, but he realized that he doesn't know French now, and he communicates with French people. If he doesn't use French, he won't be able to get into her heart!.

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