In the tribe they came to, everyone had their upper body exposed, regardless of whether they were men or women, they looked very strange.

When they arrived, the local indigenous people presented them with headdresses and other accessories!

They also asked Wang Wu and Wu Lei to take off their upper bodies and bring their characteristic accessories.

Their headdresses were tied with feathers, put them on, and painted a little red dye on their faces, turning them into the appearance of local indigenous people every minute.

After all, the Indian ancestors bypassed the Bering Strait from China to America.

After a while, the Indians performed archery for everyone and asked everyone to try archery.

Wang Wu had seen Hua Shao before and knew that there would be such a scene along the way, so he turned on his phone on the boat, opened the "Three Kingdoms Lv Bu Biography", activated the upgraded system's god-level learning mode, and learned Lu Bu's equestrian skills in minutes. And archery.

Lu Bu's archery skills existed in history, and shooting a halberd at the gate has been passed down as an eternal story.

After Wang Wu had Lu Bu's arrow, he stepped back dozens of steps from the original 20 steps, and went back to 80 steps, and then opened the bow and released the arrow.

Hu Qing, Liu Tao, Li Feiwan, Zheng Du, Zhang Xueying, Ju Jingyi, and Wu Lei all slapped their tongues: "Angkor is so good, and archery is so good!"

"At such a distance, I can't even see the target, he can actually shoot!

"Look, the eyes of those Indians looking at him are full of admiration!"

The Indians surrounded Wang Wu in the center, bowed to him, and presented him with a more ornate headdress, made of the most gorgeous pheasant feathers, a bit like the feathers on the three-pronged purple gold crown worn by Lu Bu!

From ancient times, ancient and modern, at home and abroad, warriors like to wear pheasant feathers!

Later, they experienced blowing arrows again.

When several beauties were having fun, Wang Wu said quietly: "Do you know that Indians like to use poisoned arrows!

In the martial arts novel "The Eight Parts of the Dragon", Duan Yu accidentally took the king of poisons "mang clam", and became a poisonous person who is undead and non-toxic. Any poisonous snake venomous insect smells Duan Yu's body for fear. Avoid it. The Manggu Clam is the poison dart frog in ancient legends. It is described in the book that the Manggu Clam is known as the king of all poisons. It is shaped like a toad and is no more than two inches long.

Yin Hong beats blood, his eyes gleamed with golden light, and his voice was like a cow, and his whole body was vermilion red, hence the name Mang Gu Clam. In terms of image and toxicity, the poisonous poison dart frog is the closest to the mango clam.

In the Amazon rainforest, there are many kinds of poison dart frogs. Most of them are very small, usually no more than 5 cm, but the colors are very bright. It seems to show off their beauty, and they are like a warning. The enemy is very poisonous! There are many glands in the skin of poison dart frogs, which can secrete mucus to lubricate the skin and protect itself.

It is very toxic, making it one of the most poisonous creatures in the world. Any creature, if it ever tried to eat a poison dart frog, if it was still alive, it would never eat a second time.

The frog venom secreted by poison dart frogs is the most powerful toxin known so far. Only one hundred thousandth of a gram is enough to poison a person and kill 2,000 mice. Before Western colonists discovered the American continent, local Indians in China, America and the Amazon already knew to use poison dart frogs to arm their bows and javelins. They use sharp

The poisonous frog was killed by the wood thorn of the plant, and then it was placed in a small fire. When the poison frog is heated, the venom oozes out from the gland, so there are arrows or javelin heads repeatedly rubbing the poison frog, and the poisonous weapon is made.

……For flowers………

Indians hunt with bows and arrows and blow arrows. Don't provoke them. Once you annoy them, otherwise they will shoot you angrily, even if it is a slight skin injury, you will immediately die, because their weapons are all quenched by poison dart frog toxin! In the movie "Apocalypse" in the Middle Ages, the American Mayan hero hunter used a wooden thorn to stain the poison on the back of a poison dart frog to make a blowing arrow, and successfully shot 3

The elite America tiger warrior sent by a priest of the sun god."


When Huqing and others heard Wang Wu say that, they were all horrified, and they didn't dare to touch Blow Arrow again.

Wang Wu smiled and said: "Just kidding with you, now the arrows they use to entertain guests should be non-toxic!"

"I hate it!" All the women sneered at Wang Wu, but they didn't dare to play Blowing Arrow again.

Afterwards, everyone sang and danced with the native Indians.

This is an experience that no one has ever had before.

But Wang Wu told everyone that these are only familiar indigenous people in the indigenous tribes. They are happy to get their necessities by interacting with people in the civilized world, but there are still indigenous people living in the deep Amazon rainforest. They are full of hostility and hostility to the civilized world. Hatred, even retains the custom of cannibalism!

Everyone was creepy. After dancing, they returned to the boat. The food they ate in the indigenous tribes was very strange. Everyone didn't eat much. When they returned to the boat, Wang Wu still cooked for everyone! and.

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