Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 412 Hu Qing becomes a girlfriend!

Huqing whispered shyly: "Why don't you sleep yet?"

Wang Wu continued to use voice transmission to enter the secret and said to her: "I'm looking at your sensible way!"

Hu Qing was ashamed and angrily: "Hate! Why do you always tease me. Other people may also be awake.

Wang Wu chuckled and said, "They are all fast asleep, and the captain below is not asleep, but he will not get out of the wheelhouse."

Huqing was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Did you move something?"

Wang Wu chuckled and said: "Nothing, just click their sleeping points to make them sleep more soundly, otherwise, the cry of the wild beasts in the rain forest will scare them!'

"Hate! You clearly want to do bad things with me!" When Hu Qing heard that the others were falling asleep, she was greatly relaxed and asked Wang Wu to hug her from the top of the hammock.

Wang Wu came to the bow of the ship holding the fragrance of "Yi Liu San", where he had already spread a mat.

In these days, Huqing saw Wang Wu and Liutao's radiant face after a moment of joy, and he was infinitely envious in his heart.

She knew that just looking for a little fresh meat would not make such a strong change. Some of her besties also socialized with very young handsome guys, and in the end they only became a little better, not as immediate as Liu Tao. The reason is simple, the special thing is Wang Wu's physique.

Therefore, Hu Qing is now not only psychologically fond of Wang Wu, but also eager to pursue beauty and youth!

Also because of this, although she was irritable, she was still very cooperative in action, clinging to Wang Wu's arms obediently.

The bow was still lit with dim light, and Wang Wu looked at the beauty in his arms.

Huqing, round oval face, high and smooth forehead, Limao smile, unique and eye-catching among the female stars with awl face.

She has a good temperament, and is most suitable for acting as a smart and elegant white-collar aristocratic lady. She is pampered, has seen the world, is well-educated, has a pure and warm heart, and has a unique artistic and aesthetic atmosphere. This kind of literary film like sunrise in the east and rain in the west is most suitable for her, absolutely not suitable for acting in the rural drama Shajiabang or something.

Her beauty has the three elements of innocence, sex, and atmosphere, which is very rare among female stars.

She exudes childishness in her heart, has always been spoiled by people, more than forty is still cute, smile and eyes are always flowing innocent, and her lifestyle is easy to drink.

At the same time, she was charming and charming, and she was able to interpret Qiao Linzhu so confusingly, she became the dream lover of the successful middle-aged man in the 90s.

She is magnificent, the mother of the country, filial piety and daughter Schindler can win it steadily. Only because of independent thinking about life can she be firm, calm, and compassionate.

She has a good figure, neither tall nor short, nor fat nor thin, with a golden ratio, and a more graceful posture when she moves.

There was no wine on Huqing's face, and a pair of pear vortices made people drunk into a dog. This pair of pear vortices deepened the sense of purity on her face and became more immature.

For men, they are trapped by their careers every day, and the tiredness of a day can also be relieved by this spring-like smile.

The gentleness of her woman and the innocence of a little girl are satisfying the feelings of every middle-aged man's first love.

Huqing's eyes are a black hole full of love. A man can get a real cushion from her eyes, and he can gain a kind of respect.

Her eyes seemed to be able to suck people from the eyes into her heart at any time and then frustrated. Every man being watched had their inner defenses breached.

Men love the sense of sexuality. This kind of purity, which is like a lily, is unforgettable and can not be removed. In fact, it represents the inner patriarchal side of Chinese men. The sense of sexuality they like is more daughter-like. a little.

In fact, she makes men like more than face, and there is also something called temperament. "When the years wear away the beauty of women, leaving a permanent makeup is temperament. Some women have them, but some women lose them." The kind of coexistence of temperament, when it was in the same frame as Yang Ying, many people said that Hu Qing won the youth with charm and charm.

So such a long, sweet, gentle, clean and refreshing woman, which man does not want to have her in the red?

She likes to write poems and has always liked it since she was a child. In the show, she said that this was the only thing she would do.

She doesn't say how clever the words are, at least she has smooth emotions, understands life, and loves life.

This woman who likes to write poetry will understand that she is very spiritual, and she has always insisted on understanding the world in a perceptual way. This is the real non-eating fireworks.

Many beauties who later became famous have more or less taken over the atmosphere in their early years, and Hu Qing has never been in the sky.

Putting aside the infamy on the Internet, Huqing may be the most favored woman in all of China. The superb beauty, the first-class intelligence, the superior growth environment, the effortless career, and the invisible behind Spoil 1 love.

If life is a constant coin tossing process, Miss Huqing would be a positive person who tossed a hundred times every time.

Hu Qing was the first female star in China to be invited to Chanel's high-profile show. Later, the female stars who flocked to the show were too ugly. The ability of others.

Hu Qing was born well, beautiful, smart, not aloof, with Xu Jinglei's talent, but with a softer temperament.

Although many boys think that such a woman is too tired to coax, and many girls think that such a woman is a public hazard, but I have to admit that the look in her perception is just polite, watery, affectionate, and inexplicably electrocuted. When I arrive, even girls will be a little shy when they see it.

Living in the Amazon tropical rainforest, blowing the wind from the tropical river, listening to the calls of all kinds of inexplicable animals in the rainforest, and being in a strange foreign country, Wang Wu and Huqing both felt that they had never had it before. The novelty!

In 3.5, things about the head of the bed have often happened, but the bow of the ship has never happened before.

Before real contact with Huqing, Wang Hao always felt that she was too old. After all, she was 69 years old. This year she was 48 years old. To put it bluntly, it was the age of Wang Wu's mother. Because of this, Although he thinks she is very beautiful, he seldom fantasizes about what to do with her.

But now after the first close contact, Wang Wu found that it is not age that determines happiness, but something inherent in the woman itself, such as Huqing's gentleness and innocence, which makes her better than many women in their 20s and 30s. Much more cute!

As the water of the Amazon River kept swaying, I don't know how long it took, the system prompts: "Master, Hu Qing has officially become your girlfriend, and Hu Qing's favor with you will increase by 100 points to 400 points!".

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