Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 416 Why does the princess have virtue?

There are many popular actresses over the age of 40, and they all have a common feature, that is, none of them have children.

For the others, Wang Wu Tongtong didn't feel much, he was only interested in Huqing and Lin Zhiling.

This trip turned You Qing and Lin Zhiling into his own women, and he felt that this trip was worthwhile!

Prior to this, because Hu Qing’s performance on reality shows was very different from Lin Zhiling’s performance on reality shows, many people compared Huqing and Lin Zhiling, saying that Lin Zhiling was thinking about others in "Sister Huayang". Come to contrast Huqing's waywardness and princess disease~.

Wang Wu wanted to ask those people, what is a princess? Why do princesses have the good virtues in your YY? Just because the princess was born of a tall and responsible, and was better educated than ordinary people? According to these people's theories, the emperors of the past dynasties should be People who have the most good virtues, because they enjoy the best education in the country and the most abundant material resources. Can result

Well? On average, every emperor kills more innocent people than you have ever met. There are too many things that hurt the world and reason. Why no one says that they don’t think about others and have low EQ? They are wayward than ordinary people. There are too many, are they all uneducated? They are all petty? The reason is very simple, because-No! Must! Want!

Moreover, the emperor is virtuous and humble, and there are also tyrannical and extravagant. So is the princess. Is it okay to replenish the brain? After all, we live in real life, not in fairy tales.

Like Huqing, in her forties, her eyes and state still retain the innocence of a girl, let alone sister Zhiling, looking at domestic public figures, they are very rare, and there is no such thing as a caring from childhood. It can't be done at all, and it's far from what a few benefactors can throw money out.

If you simply say how good the appearance of Huqing is, it is a matter of the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise, but if you add her temperament, it is enough to slap most domestic female stars. The classical charm and youthful vitality are combined, and it feels very strange.

In short, Hu Qing is a very feminine woman, a savage wayward, full of love, aloof temperament, and a charming miraculous woman.

Many people also criticize her acting skills, but to be honest, as an actor, compared to most traffic Xiaohua, she is definitely competent.

Hu Qing's acting skills are absolutely underestimated. It may be that her personality is too controversial, and her appearance is too dazzling. Basically, few people will discuss her acting skills. In fact, the female roles played by You Qing are both aggressive and dignified. Each has its own advantages, and it is self-contained. The limitation is that you can't play a role that is too ugly and mediocre. Randomly click on a work, with admiring her

From the perspective of performance, it is easy to have a correct understanding. Her acting skills are the kind of God who appreciates food and eats well. Her natural revelation is better than many people's painstaking efforts. At least Tang Wei's performance has always been there. The traces of carving, Hu Qing are integrated, much smarter.

Hu Qing, she has never suffered and sinned in her entire life, she can't please others, and she doesn't need to please. There is no compromise in her philosophy of survival. Only others are happy, and I am happy, but I will not force myself to please you, such a woman. It will not be liked by the public, and the only mistake is that you should not expose your character to the public.

...For flowers...

Wang Wu wiped off the sweat from Huqing, dressed her and put it on her hammock.

Then, he cleaned up all the places just now, so as not to be seen the traces the next day.

They were standing on the bow of the ship just now like Jack and Ruth in Titanic, paying tribute to the classics in that posture!

Therefore, Wang Wu also cleaned the bow of the ship.

Later, he unlocked everyone's sleeping points so that they could wake up naturally tomorrow.

The next day, when everyone woke up, Li Fei saw Huqing's face in the evening and asked in surprise: "Sister Qing, your complexion looks very good and radiant, what skin care products did you use?"

"It's just those skin care products before." Huqing was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted. After being moisturized by Wang Hao last night, her complexion was so good that she couldn't hide it. She couldn't directly say what happened to her and Wang Wu last night. She used her previous mysterious and poetic saying: "You are so in love. I have been surrounded by your love and nourished by your love, so I

Very energetic."

Li Feiwan and Zheng Du were thoughtful and stopped asking more questions. Zhang Xueying and Ju Jingyi believed that they were true.

Liu Tao gave Wang Wu a charming look, the meaning of her eyes was very obvious, you badass, you were with sister Jing last night, right? and.

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