Maybe these fish have never eaten people before, but they bear the name of piranha, which makes people extremely hate, so everyone admires Wang Wu's behavior extremely!

The waters were already bloody, everyone had to change places to continue fishing for piranhas.

Everyone caught one, and Wang Wu crushed the teeth of those piranhas and gave them to everyone to ravage them in order to overcome the fear.

The night is getting dark, everyone on the way back, started the second exciting project, catching the crocodile!

In the dark night when his fingers were invisible, the fisherman searched four "one and seventy" with flashlights on the river rafting. He quickly jumped into the river after seeing movement and caught a small crocodile.

The guide explained that the crocodile will be temporarily paralyzed after encountering the strong light of the flashlight, so it is easy to catch.

The guide held the crocodile and explained to everyone. After everyone took a photo, he put the crocodile back.

Although Wang Wu tore many crocodiles just now, he still did not tear them when he encountered these little crocodiles.

However, Wang Wu still caught two adult crocodiles and smiled at everyone: "I want to make crocodile meat for everyone!"

Everyone exclaimed: "Can crocodile meat be eaten?"

"Of course I can eat it!" Wang Wu smiled: "The crocodile is a kind of lung-breathing animal. Its ability to hold its breath under the water is much better than whales, dolphins, seals and other marine mammals. It can pause breathing for more than one hour in the water. Scientists found There is an optimized nucleic acid in the crocodile body. This substance can make the nucleic acid full of vitality, enhance the anti-aging and disease resistance, and activate it at the same time.

Catalase and SOD in the body effectively remove garbage free radicals in the body, thereby delaying the decline of life. This spherical structure of amino acid chain makes the oxygen content of crocodile's hemoglobin more than one hundred times that of other animals. Such oxygen supply and storage Ability to make the body not only has strong vitality, but also has the characteristics of longevity. The average life expectancy of wild crocodiles is as high as

One hundred and fifty years old, surpassing the tortoise and whole fish that have always been a symbol of longevity, and is currently the longest-lived species of reptiles."

Huqing smiled and asked, "You mean, eating crocodile meat is more beneficial to longevity?"

"Yes, our country began to use crocodiles (called dragons in ancient times) as early as four thousand years ago in the Xia Dynasty. By the Shang Dynasty, crocodile meat became a treasure on the table of princes and nobles.

The great medical scientist Li Shizhen recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica that the southerners cherish their meat, thinking that the meat of the marriage is to nourish the benefits, and the main treatment is to reduce breathing, staying on the ground, moisture and evil, all in the abdomen, sickness and evil. Sore, it means that the crocodile is effective in treating asthma, cough, rheumatism, bodily weakness, heart diseases and malignant sores and tumors. "

Wang Wu continued: "Modern medical research has proved that alligators are treasures. Crocodile meat, bones, nails and internal organs are rich in excellent protein and essential amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and various trace elements.

According to research published by the Royal Academy of Sciences in England, crocodile blood contains antibacterial substances that are stronger than all antibiotics found today. It can not only kill bacteria, but also eliminate molds and even some viruses. The dawn of viruses and HIV

Crocodile muscle contains a special hemoglobin amino acid chain, which makes its muscle and blood carry more than 100 times more oxygen than other mammals. After its extract enters the human body, it can synthesize HBSUBA mixed hemoglobin with human blood, which not only accelerates human blood circulation, It can also promote the blood to provide enough oxygen to the brain and other organs to make people full of energy

Pei, radiant. Crocodile meat is not only delicious, but also can replenish qi and blood, strengthen muscles and bones, cure asthma, and have a significant effect on chronic cough and diabetes.

Crocodile gallbladder has multiple effects of clearing away heat and detoxifying, and can cure bone cancer, hepatitis, liver cancer, bladder cancer, central retinitis and so on.

Crocodile liver can nourish yin and liver, improve eyesight, and treat senile cataracts and vision loss.

Crocodile heart combined with Tianqi and Danshen can nourish the mind and calm the nerves, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and treat angina pectoris, myocardial hypoxia, coronary heart disease and so on.

Crocodile A contains powerful anti-cancer substances, and can treat hepatosplenomegaly, liver cirrhosis and prostate enlargement.

Crocodile tail glue can not only nourish the liver and kidneys, replenish qi and consolidate 3.5, enhance cell vitality, but also skin care and beauty, increase skin elasticity, reduce salt and delay the early appearance of wrinkles, and have a satisfactory effect on allergies."

Huqing, Liutao, Li Feiwan and others all showed longing expressions when they heard the effect of crocodile tail glue.

Wu Lei asked curiously: "Angkor, how do you know so much?"

Wang Wu smiled and said: "Before I came to Amazon, I thought about eating crocodile here, so I looked for information about crocodile meat in advance, and I remembered it after a glance."

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