Because there are too many bloodthirsty creatures in the Amazon River, if this corpse is placed here, it will definitely attract many kinds of things such as bull sharks and piranhas. Once such ghosts increase, everyone will have life. Danger!

He threw it like that, as expected, a large number of piranhas and other fish rushed over.

But when he tore open the bull shark, the blood of the bull shark still dripped in this water!

As a result, two more ferocious bull sharks came here~!

Bull sharks have poor eyesight, but their sense of smell is extremely sensitive. They can smell a drop of blood diluted in 100,000 liters of water. Sound, track prey within one kilometer. After entering the river, the bull shark's temperament will become ferocious and rough due to changes in hormone secretion-,

It is even more dangerous.

People have seen bull sharks 3000 kilometers upstream of the Amazon River. Bull sharks have been found in rivers close to the sea, such as the Ganges in the Three Kingdoms, the Gulf of Mexico in America, the Zambezi River in Africa, and the Mississippi River in the mold country. In Lake Nicaragua in central America, or in Port St. Louis on the Mississippi River, bull sharks have injured people.

These two bull sharks are bigger and more vicious than the bull shark just now!

And one after the other, they rushed to Wang Wu who was in the blood center!

Li Feiwan was shocked to the extreme, and wanted to call Wang Hao to avoid him, but it was too late, because the bull shark was so fast in the water!

In the blink of an eye, the two bull sharks rushed over!

Wang Wu didn't rush, when two bull sharks appeared, they dived suddenly!

Those two bull sharks had poor eyesight, and after Wang Wu was invisible, they couldn't see Wang Hao! Wang Hao first tore one bull shark in half, then the other bull shark in half, and then Showed up and threw the four corpses to a place tens of meters away.

The bull sharks were originally a very exclusive place and would not live in groups. Three bull sharks in this water area are very rare.

Without the appearance of bull sharks, other bloodthirsty fish were all directed at the corpses of bull sharks.

Wang Wu and his friends are temporarily safe.

Wang Wu turned the boat over, and the captain got on the boat for debugging and found that the motor was still usable.

In the ensuing time, Wang Wu helped everyone get on the boat, helped everyone find the boxes, put them on the boat, and proceeded to the helicopter on the water.

It turned out that Wang Wu thought that seaplanes did not exist, but now he was surprised to see the seaplanes, so he took a closer look.

……For flowers………

The reason why a seaplane can adapt to two different environments on the water and in the air is inseparable from its special design. If it is a boat, it has a fuselage, wings, tail, propeller and landing gear like an airplane. It is said to be an airplane, but its fuselage is a large axe-shaped hull. This unique feature makes it a true "all-rounder".

When the seaplane is parked on the water, the buoyancy generated by the large hull will make the aircraft float on the water and will not sink, but when it needs to take off, the pulling force generated by the propeller engine will drag it quite fast. The speed rolls on the surface of the water. With the continuous increase in speed, the lift generated on the wing slowly overcomes the gravity of the aircraft, thereby reducing

The plane is gradually lifted from the surface of the water and becomes a ship flying in the air. After it completes the air mission, it will naturally return to the surface, thus becoming a ship that can slide on the water. Therefore, according to the characteristics of seaplane, many people in foreign countries call it a seaplane or airplane cruiser.


The advantages of seaplanes are 600 meters to 800 meters, which saves time, effort and economy, and fills the low-altitude three-dimensional traffic gap.

Everyone got on the seaplane, and the plane slowly flew up and left the Amazon jungle!

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