When Wang Wu told everyone the truth about diamonds, there was a Chinese woman next to the first-class cabin who couldn't listen. Maybe she was in the diamond business, so she shouted angrily: "Bad son! Bastard stuff! You are nonsense. Badao, you are maliciously spreading rumors, you

Seeing her crazy appearance, Wang Wu was worried that she would attack herself like a shrew, so he used his magical powers to hit the fat woman with a nut, hit the woman's dumb acupuncture point, and let the woman shut up. , And then hit an acupuncture point of the woman with a nut, making her stiff and unable to move.

The woman didn't know that Wang Wu had beaten those nuts, but she felt that she suddenly couldn't speak, she felt she couldn't stand up suddenly, her face was panic, horrified!

Wang Wu didn’t want to talk about diamonds anymore, but the woman said that, so he said loudly, “Although the market price of diamonds is high, they do not hold their value and are not as rare as imagined. This means that the market for second-hand diamonds is not Optimism cannot be used as currency like gold. It is just a beautiful "lie." Diamonds are the biggest lie in a century.

It provides a textbook-like classic case in the history of modern marketing: Commodity service to consumers is only a low-end concept, and commodity education to consumers is the highest achievement.

For a long time after the diamond was discovered, it was just an ornament for the royal and aristocrats to show off their wealth. The place of origin was fixed and the output was scarce. It changed in the late nineteenth century, because Nanxian magically discovered a diamond mine with an output of tens of millions of carats. This is a big deal. Those who invest in diamonds are completely reluctant to force them. If these diamonds enter the market, diamonds

The value of diamonds will be greatly reduced, so a businessman named Rhodes founded the well-known De Beers company in 1988, and diamond marketing opened its curtain of the century.

De Beers bit his teeth to buy the entire diamond mine, and then carefully controlled the diamond output, monopolizing the entire diamond supply market. At the highest point, De Beers controlled 90% of the market's trading volume. If the person who bought the diamond wants to sell it, the price system of the diamond will also collapse.

How could this be possible, but De Beers, who has great magical powers, did it. The solution to this super problem gave birth to the most shameless combination in the world, which is to combine love and diamonds tightly, because diamonds = beauty + eternity , And love = beauty + eternity, so diamond = love.

After 1938, the Oppenheimer family, the actual controller of De Beers, spent a huge amount of advertising expenses and began to create the so-called diamond culture. Accepted engagement gifts, through various means of overwhelming advertising, strengthen the connection between diamonds and beautiful love, wedding dresses

Photographed the bride in a beautiful wedding dress with a happy smile, and the diamond ring in her hand dazzled everyone's eyes.

In 1950, De Beers even put forward a frenzied advertising slogan, "A-DIAMOND-IS-FOREVER," translated into Chinese means that diamonds are forever, and one will always circulate. Through this marketing, De Beers kills three birds with one stone. Men are all. I believe that only bigger and more beautiful diamonds can express the strongest love. A man in love does everything for a woman.

Come out, buying diamonds is much lower than the threshold of death; women think that diamonds are necessary for courtship, you are not willing to buy diamonds, you are ashamed to say you love me, what, you think I am fancy diamonds, I fancy It's you reluctant to give up; diamonds represent eternal love, and selling it is the greatest blasphemy of sacred love, unless you don't share it with your ex-husband

God, otherwise you will rarely sell the diamond ring he gave you, and even if you sell it, no one will take it, because that's your love, it's not mine

It is precisely because of this that although diamonds have been mined for 500 million carats so far, they are still in short supply and prices are skyrocketing, because only De Beers can sell diamonds.

Do you think De Beers’ marketing is now complete? It would be too small to underestimate it. De Beers can also change the marketing according to the market situation, and then counter-control the market through marketing. In the 1980s, the former Soviet Union discovered a larger diamond mine and supplied a large amount of broken diamonds to the world. De Beers was so frightened that he peeed his pants and immediately entered into a price alliance with the Soviet Union. Other

On the one hand, in order to prevent diamonds from falling in value, marketing advertisements have turned to emphasize that diamonds are as noble as broken diamonds, and diamonds still represent noble love even though they are small. The preciousness of diamonds is not by the size, but by the workmanship and the cut surface, so a lot of industry standards have been concocted. Now you go to the counter and listen to the professional terms such as 4C clarity of the waiter throwing you at the counter.

The sales lady is no different. Subsequently, diamonds also completely conquered the lower class, the big ones were sold to the rich, and the broken ones were sold to the poor.

Do you think marketing can reach this height, right? Far! No! Yes! De Beers has already studied women's psychology to the highest level. ) Theory is contradictory. On the one hand, they have a natural possessive desire for jewelry, and on the other hand, they believe that taking the initiative will bring conscience.

In the 1980s, De Beers’ advertisements began to emphasize that diamond rings should be combined with surprises. A man silently bought a diamond ring and gave it out on a carefully arranged occasion. This can resolve the ambivalence of women to the greatest extent. On the one hand, they have the extreme joy brought by the diamond ring, on the other hand, they maintain the innocence of women.

To study women like this is really unacceptable. Even the Oppenheimer family, which owns 40% of De Beers, can’t help but sigh: "~ Thank God for creating diamonds and creating women at the same time".

When Wang Wu said this, he sighed deeply.

Why does he sigh?.

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