After 12 o'clock at noon, the plane landed, and everyone obtained Nanxian's phone card and address.

When they were about to walk outside, they saw a petite girl stopped.

The girl wore an African indigenous mask and smiled and said, "This road is for me to drive. If you want to pass this way, you can leave to buy road money, uh, call my name, and I will take you away!"

Everyone laughed, guessed one by one, guessing the names of more than a dozen female stars, such as Guan Xiaotong, Ma Sichun, Zhou Dongyu and so on.

Everyone guessed "ーBasan" twice. I didn't know if I guessed it deliberately. I haven't guessed it right.

At this time, everyone noticed that Wang Wu hadn't guessed, so they shouted: "Wang Wu, why don't you guess?"

Wang Wu smiled and said: "If I guess first and guess it, everyone will not guess, it's so boring!

Everyone laughed and asked: "Then guess who she is, why are you so sure?"

"Song group late!" Wang Wu smiled, "because she called me before!"

With the mask off, it is indeed the Song group.

Now Song Zuyu has grown up, she is 19 years old, and her face still maintains the girlish feeling of only fifteen or sixteen years old. Compared with Guan Xiaotong, who is one year older than her, she can immediately feel Song Zuyu. The girly feeling rushing to the face.

Many people don’t catch a cold with her face. It may be because she is not a sweet and greasy look. There is a trace of provocation, deep bones and aggressiveness between the corners of her eyes and eyebrows. Some people may feel that she is not so comfortable, but she It is beautiful in itself, as long as she can meet a good director and a good role, she will create a classic image.

In Wang Wu's opinion, Song Zuwan is definitely the most beautiful one among the post-95 florets. It is exquisite and beautiful, and it is highly recognizable. It has perfect facial features and unique style. It has its own hardware temperament, a hint of heroism, a hint of beauty, and a hint of exoticism. Amorous feelings, when she matures, she should take the path of a cold beauty with a trace of exotic or mysterious feeling.

Song Zuer had a guest role in a crew before and met Wang Wu. At that time, Song Zu had already secretly promised Wang Wu, but for various reasons, he did not confess to Wang Wu. Until the end of the show, Wang Wu would participate in " The third season of Huaer and Juvenile, in the place where Song Zuwan had participated in carnival activities in his original life, I remembered Song Zuwan and called her.

The two talked for a long time, and finally settled.

Now, although Song Zuwan tried to conceal it, she still couldn't conceal the sentimentality of her looking at Wang Wu.

Most of the others can see that Song Group came here as a flying guest, and came to Wang Wu.

Song Zuwan smiled and said: "Hello everyone, I am Song Zuwan, and I am your assistant tour guide for this Nanxian trip.

After everyone got to know each other, a new question emerged, who will be the tour guide for this station?

Wu Lei smiled and said, "Let Angkor be the best one. He knows so much and has such great skills. He is definitely the best choice for tour guides."

Hu Qing said: "You can't always let Wang Wu be, let's change someone!

Liu Tao, Li Feiwan, Zheng Ao, and Zhang Xueying all agreed to replace them, but they were replaced by Wu Lei.

Wu Lei smiled bitterly: "I knew it, I must be replaced by me."

Wang Wu smiled and said: "You also contact the accommodation, the vehicle, etc. as I did before. The English is spoken here. You should be fine. If you have any questions, you can ask me and a few sisters, Zuer, Qing sister. Sister Tao always travels abroad frequently and is very experienced."

When Wu Lei heard Wang Wu say that, he immediately relaxed a lot.

Although Wu Lei became a tour guide, Wang Wu was still the core of the team. Wang Wu led everything, and Song Group, who was the assistant of the tour guide, also followed Wang Wu, almost inseparable.

3.5 There is a lot of luggage, and there is not enough space in the car. Fortunately, there are luggage racks on the roof. Wang Wu and Wu Lei fixed a lot of luggage on the roof.

Then everyone split into two cars. Wang Wu drove one and Song Zuo sat next to him.

The other one is Liutao, because Wu Lei does not have a driver's license.

The driver here is on the right. Wang Wu is a bit uncomfortable and he is used to driving for a while.

There is no exile like Chen Bolin in this version of time and space, and everyone just drove directly to the destination. .

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