Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 463 Don't mind being his father!

Wang Wu turned on his laptop and started writing online novels.

This is a habit that he has long ago. Writing online novels can kill the extra time and also give him the capital to adapt to film and television dramas in the future.

This novel is "Holy Ruins".

He has written 1,000 chapters, and now he writes chapter 1001: "Xian Yingzhan is surrounded by white mist, a little hazy, like a heavenly fairy who has fallen into the red dust, she is quiet and silent, covered by the white mist, look Can't find her expression. Only a pair of eyes are very beautiful and deep, she is staring at Chu Feng in the battlefield.

Now his agility is 1210 points, which is equivalent to 121 times that of ordinary people. The code speed of ordinary people is about 2000 words in an hour. Can Wang Wu code 240,000 words in an hour?

No, because the keyboard reaction speed and thinking reaction speed are limited, he can only reach the maximum speed of a stenographer in an hour, which is 30,000 words in an hour.

An hour later, he arrived at the code: "Chu Feng resolutely set off, left here, and walked towards the extremely mysterious cave of reincarnation! That cave is the ultimate place of reincarnation. What is it, his heart is ups and downs, unable to be quiet, but looking forward to it again. Zhi Xu. With a whistling sound, Chu Feng jumped up, turned into a stream of light, and sank into the ancient cave with the mark of mottled reincarnation.

Middle 々"."

Counted it, 10 chapters, about 30,000 words.

After he set up automatic upload, he was about to turn off the computer.

However, he suddenly thought of something. He hasn't read a book review for a long time, and he doesn't know how the book review is now being managed by the literary assistant he hired?

He clicked on the book review area, took a look, and found that the previous book review area was very clean, there were no advertisements, and no bad reviews. However, the book reviews in the last few hours were full of various slurs.

Wang Wu also understands that assistant, because her grandmother was sick recently and she has to take care of her grandmother, and she doesn't have much time to manage those book reviews and other things related to novels.

However, he can't understand those splatters, basically those splatters, in all likelihood, they all look at pirated editions. After reading the pirated editions and then come to the genuine book review section to insult, this is the same as eating the overlord meal and then scolding the dishes. !

Although Wang Wu could see that most of the trolls were looking at pirated dregs, but as long as they didn't do personal attacks, they just said how bad the writing was. For these people, Wang Wu also opened one eye and closed one eye. , Just delete the post and silence it, and will not give more revenge.

But there are a thousand people of all kinds and colors in the world. When the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. Some people not only read pirated copies, not just insult the book, but insult the author. For such people, Wang Wu has zero tolerance!

Now there is a guy named "White Hair on One Night", in the book review, brushing the screen and insulting: "Trash author, I wish you a good luck in the West as soon as possible, you are a idiot, a rubbish novel, I wish you an early eunuch, here is also omitted. Hundred-character abusive vocabulary.

When Wang Wu saw this comment, he was furious at the time. He wrote the book properly, what happened next to this bastard, how could he insult himself so viciously!

For such an orphan who has a mother and no father to teach him, Wang Wu doesn't mind being his father and educate him!

Wang Wu activated the [hacker] skills and quickly found this orphan". A white hair" named Lu Bai, a native of Xiangjiang, no wonder the characters are all in traditional Chinese, which looks extremely ugly.

If this is the case, (Deno good) Wang Wu may just hack this person's computer, but he found out that Ye Feng has a hot mom!

"ータ白发" Lu Bai's mother, it is estimated that many people will hear about it, Ye Zimei!

Even if you haven't heard her name, maybe you should have seen her acting works, "Lie Hao", "Love Sage"

But the problem is that now it is mainly friends born in the 90s and even the 00s. Most people have never witnessed the glory of Xiangjiang Entertainment in the 1990s. They should be not familiar with Ye Zimei!

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