The Lu family father and son swallowed a lot of blue pills just now. When they knelt on the ground and listened to the movement in the bedroom next door, their heads were about to explode!

When Wang Wu secretly unlocked their acupuncture points, so that they could not get out of the bathroom, a bloody and terrifying incident happened, and father and son were mutilated!

Wang Wu removed all the traces left by him and confessed some things to Ye Zimei.

Now Ye Zimei's mental power is more than 7 times that of ordinary people, and she is smart enough to deal with the aftermath ~ love.

When Wang Wu left, Ye Zimei called the police.

When the police saw the scene of Lu and his son killing each other, they were silent-speechless.

No one can think of it, a generation of famous doctors has fallen into that state.

The police originally thought that outsiders were involved, but they rummaged the entire villa and couldn't find any other traces.

But Ye Zimei's words were not leaking, so that they could not find any doubts.

Their only doubt was how Ye Zimei became so young and beautiful, not like a woman of her age at all.

But people may have plastic surgery, which has nothing to do with their investigation.

In the end, the Xiangjiang police could only close the case with the quarrel between the father and the son.

However, there is another doubt. Both father and son swallowed a lot of blue pills.

Who gave them this blue pill?

Ye Zimei always said that she was a tragic scene in the bathroom after she woke up. The police could not find any evidence of her involvement, and finally had to abandon this strange case.

When the remote family members of the Lu family came to seize Lu Xizhao's property, Ye Zimei handed over the materials of her and Lu Xizhao's marriage registration to the court, and inherited all of Lu Xizhao's property as Lu Xizhao's wife.

Then, she sold all of Lu Xizhao's property, left Xiangjiang, moved to Beijing, and started a new life.

Although some people in Xiangjiang suspect that the death of the Lu family and his son is closely related to her, it is rumored that she is covered by big figures in the capital, and no one in Xiangjiang dares to continue the investigation.

The relationship between Ye Zimei and Wang Wu has never been exposed.

She is one of dozens of veteran beauty stars in Wang Wu Jinwu's Cangjiao.

Wang Wu also started with Ye Zimei, and found that he could use flat peaches and ginseng fruit to restore the female stars of the 1980s and 1990s to their former glory, and then treasure them!

In the blink of an eye, Wang Wu returned to Hua Shaotuan's hotel in Nanxian.

Everyone was asleep, and no one noticed that he had been away for a while.

No one will know that he went to Xiangjiang just now.

Of course, Wang Wu wouldn't tell them that he just succeeded in many of the post-70s and 80s goddess Ye Zimei.

Such things are still as low-key as possible.

The next day, Wang Wu woke up early. At this time, he turned on the camera.

...For flowers...

Suddenly he felt a little strange, so he walked out of the room and asked the director: "Why is this camera different from before?"

The director said: "Angkor, I sent you a message before, and we will record it live from now on."

"Live!" Not only Wang Hao, but other people also shouted: "Director, is there any mistake? It is me that our every move is in front of millions or even tens of millions of people?


"When the contract was signed, there was no live broadcast!"

"What if you are webcast live now, and no one will watch your clips and broadcasts in the future?"

Everyone is afraid that their bad side will be exposed in front of the live camera, and they have been questioning.

Director Wu Mengru smiled bitterly: "Yesterday we started broadcasting the first episode on Mango Channel, and the ratings were slightly lower than those in the first season. We plan to adopt a combination of live broadcasting and recording in the second half of the show, with reservations. Live streaming can arouse everyone's interest in watching the recording, just as there are free chapters in front of online novels that attract people to watch paid chapters.

Hu Qing said at the time: "How can our first episode have a lower ratings than the first season? We have Wang Wu, Wu Lei, Liu Tao, Zheng Dan, Zhang Xueying, and Li Fei. They are all very popular. Welcome, at least more influential than those in the first season." and

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