Scarlett Johansson also discovered that Wang Wu smelled very good, which constituted a fatal attraction to her!

Prior to this, the male stars that Scarlett Johansson worked with were all European and American whites. They didn't know whether it was due to race or diet, which made them always have a strong taste, and in order to cover up that body odor, I use some perfumes, often those perfumes want to cover up, not only can't cover the body odor, but the fragrance and odor are combined

, The taste is even more unbearable!

This is also a big reason Scarlett Johansson dislikes men!

But now, Scarlett Johansson discovered that Wang Wu also had a taste, but it was a very refreshing and refreshing taste.After a scent, she was like drinking the wine that has been in the cellar for many years, intoxicated!

The taste of Wang Wu is the taste of a man she began to like for the first time in her life!

The system prompts: "Scarlett has 50 favorable impressions of your taste, and she has 450 favorable impressions of you!"

Scarlett Johansson thought for a while, and said to Wang Wu: "I thought about it, I still want to repay you, since you don't want to come to Hollywood now, then I won't introduce you to the director for the time being, but, I want to You have a sum of money. Although you have got a lot of money from the big poison table, this is also a little bit of my heart. I hope you can accept it, ten million dollars,

I wonder if you are satisfied?"

Wang Hao couldn't help laughing: "Scarlett, do you have a little bit and don't know me well? It should be said that you don't know me very much. You don't know how much money I have. I will tell you that I have May have more wealth than Bill Gates!"

Scarlett Johansson was stunned: "How is this possible? How can you be more than Bill Gates? Bill Gates is the world's richest man, he has hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth, how can you be better than him? More? You just got billions of dollars from a big drug lord~!"

Wang Wu couldn’t help saying: “Do you know? Your largest diamond company is already controlled by me, and Apple will be controlled by me in the future. Google and Face will be controlled by me. At that time, do you think Billie Zby, do I have money?"

Scarlett Johansson wanted to say you stop dreaming, but thought of the abilities that Wang Wu just showed. If Wang Wu wants to be rich, she can get a lot of money, so she doesn't know what to say.

Of course, Wang Wu didn't want to expose his plan too soon, and smiled slightly: "I just made a joke with you just now, but I am really rich, um, how much do you have?"

Scarlett Johansson said: It's about 100 million dollars, how about you?"

Wang Wu smiled and said, "I am probably more than a hundred times yours!"

"More than a hundred times!" Scarlett Johansson couldn't help asking: "Did you get all of your money through black eating and black eating?"

Wang Wu smiled and said, "Of course some of them are like this, but most of them are obtained by me through operating your US stocks!"

Scarlett Johansson asked: What stocks are you trading in?"

...For flowers...

Wang Wu smiled and said: "Your stock market has been very good these years. Of course, the big ones are the stocks that face Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon. I just go to operate those stocks!"

Scarlett Johansson now believes more about what Wang Wu said, Wang Wu is indeed very rich!

The system prompts: "Scarlett has 50 points of favor with your wealth, and 500 points of favor with you!"

Scarlett Johansson was a little at a loss, Wang Wu lacked anything, so how could he repay his life-saving grace?


Wang Wu looked at Scarlett Johansson's xing appearance, and smiled slightly: "Are you thinking, how can you repay me?"

Scarlett Johansson was taken aback: "How do you know what's on my mind?"

Wang Wu smiled and said: "It is very simple to understand a person's heart, for me.

Scarlett Johansson asked curiously: "Then do you know anything else on my mind?"

Wang Wu stared at Scarlett Johansson's big blue eyes and smiled slightly: "I also know that you like me, I am the first man you like!"

Scarlett Johansson was stunned. She felt that she did not show a good impression of Wang Hao. How did Wang Hao know?

She couldn't help asking: "How did you know?"

Wang Wu smiled and said, "I said, I can read mind!"

Scarlett Johansson said directly: "Yes, I like you, what do you think about it!" and.

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