Just when they were very astonished, suddenly, they were poked, and then each of them stood there, like a puppet. Then, Wang Wu began to [rob energy] and put the life on them. Grab all the energy!

A few minutes later, only Niu Xiaomeng and Wang Wu remained in the entire villa, and Jiao Tongming lying on the ground!

Then, Wang Wu dragged Jiao Tongming to another room.

Jiao Tongming opened his eyes and saw Wang Wu in front of him. He was about to yell, only to find that Wang Wu's eyes were like deep black holes, swallowing all his sanity in an instant!

He later discovered that his sanity was completely beyond his control. Now Wang Wu asked himself what he asked, and he couldn't help but answer all of them one by one, including bank accounts and passwords, as well as other accounts-and passwords.

Then, Wang Wu opened his laptop and logged in to Jiao Tongming's account.

Jiao Tongming has an account at Swiss Bank. There are also accounts in banks in several other so-called bonded paradise countries. The total assets of all accounts add up to more than 10 billion. It is really a huge asshole. , Fat to death!

Wang Wu's current status is determined. He has the right and obligation to kill such worms and confiscate all the wealth from such worms!

So Wang Wu turned on the super hacker mode and transferred all the property of Jiao Tongming's accounts to his own account!

His super hacking ability is unstoppable by these banks!

Jiao Tongming's 9.555.9 million yuan of assets have all fallen into Wang Wu's pocket!

The remaining question now is how to deal with Niu Xiaomeng.

Niu Xiaomeng looked at Wang Hao adoringly: "Angel, you are too awesome, are you a superhero in the Avengers?"

Wang Wu shook his head and nodded again: "I am from the Avengers, but we are not from the Avengers of the mold country. We are from the Avengers of China."

The members of the Avengers include humans, robots, gods, aliens, and various supernatural creatures, and even some enemies who stood on their opposite sides in the past.

However, where does the word revenge of the Avengers start? What hatred do they have with those powerful enemies?

So, the Avengers sounds like a burning name, but at its root, it is an exaggeration of the values ​​and culture of the mold country!

It is China's Super League that really needs revenge!

Since 1840, for more than a hundred years, the European and American powers have been fighting against China and insulting in all kinds of ways. If the country that has been bullied the most in modern history, I am afraid that it is not China. If China really builds a powerful superpower Alliance, if you avenge China's centuries of shame, this alliance is truly qualified to be called the Avengers!

But from top to bottom, China's vengeance thoughts are not strong. It seems that a century of humiliation has nothing to do with everyone. It is not painful or itchy, and all are insensitive. It may be that the Eight-Power Allied Forces of the year will unite again to deal with China (in fact, people Has been united economically), anyway, nothing is mentioned in the past, even if it is said, it is only

To blame that the country was too backward at that time, it would be beaten if it was backward, but it never preached that "it is never too late for a gentleman to avenge". There is no market for revengeism in China!

……For flowers………

Therefore, the organization led by Wang Wu is just to defend national security, and is not given the mission of revenge!

But Wang Wu himself is still brooding about that period of history. He is now working hard to improve his abilities. He is looking forward to one day when his ability is as strong as Thanos, he will destroy the sky with only his hand and go to clean up the eight kingdoms. The coalition forces have reported a hundred years of shame!

However, to be honest, Wang Wu, as the name suggests, is a person who pursues timely enjoyment. He will not sacrifice personal enjoyment for that huge mission. He is pursuing a life in which he can solve the enemy at his fingertips while having fun.

He won't go to bitterness for revenge, and with the system, he doesn't need to be bitter and bitter!

To conquer the world and avenge the European and American powers, let's start by controlling their consortium and controlling the world economy!

When Niu Xiaomeng heard what Wang Wu said, he seemed to understand, and then asked with a pitiful face, "What should I do now?" and.

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