Wang Wu introduced another place: "There is a white desert between the Namib Desert in Africa and the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean. This stretch of coastline is dubbed by the grape bud crew as the "skeleton coast", several kilometers of deserted beaches. The upper part is full of the bones of whales and seals washed to the shore. Under the sunlight, it is extremely desolate but full of fantasy beauty.

Korea. It is said that this is the most remote area of ​​Namibiya. The original and desolate area is more likely to bring some unique experiences. Recreational sea fishing is very popular there. In addition to the "two-five-three" bobtail shark at the top of the coastline food chain, there are also some edible sharks, and of course other fish. The blue sky, the endless coastal plain, the waves

The long sea breeze, coupled with the big sharks that Shang Hai-fishing, can really be regarded as a thrilling and pleasant experience."

Although there are so many fun places, but the time is in a hurry, you can only go to one place in a small group.

Finally, everyone chose to go to the red desert.

The oldest red desert on the earth was formed tens of millions of years ago. There are the highest sand dunes, the brightest deserts, and the most ghostly Death Valley. The towering red sand dunes are unpredictable under the sunlight, showing a variety of impactful warm colors, and the soft curves of the parabolic sand dunes are also fascinating. No trace of man-made, natural

The superb workmanship makes people unbearable to step forward, afraid of ruining this charming picture scroll. Oh, by the way, the most famous here is Dune 45, which has been featured in National Geographic magazine many times.

During the day, it is soft and warm, and at night it is mysterious and bright. At night, there is the Namibiya desert starry sky, which is rated as one of the "world's most beautiful starry sky". There is no trace of pollution. It can often be seen with the naked eye during the dry season. See the clear Milky Way.

Everyone decided to go to the red desert to watch the sunset, and then camp there at night to watch the stars!

Along the way, everyone was traveling by car. Wang Wuhao and Liu Tao drove two cars to the Red Desert.

Before leaving, Wang Hao told Liu Tai some rules: “Namibia is a right-hand drive, which is the opposite of mainland China. Nambia is very sparsely populated. Generally, there are only two lanes on the road. The language of road signs is English. There is no lane marking on the sandy road. You need to stop in the middle of the road. You must stop the car away from the road and put a double flash. Nambia is the British United

In the state, there are no traffic lights at many intersections in the urban area. There are only Stop signs (let other vehicles go first) or stop4 signs (whoever comes first, who goes first) signs. At this time, you must travel with courtesy and strictly follow the regulations to avoid accidents. When driving in rural areas and suburbs, please avoid wild animals; when entering the desert, it is recommended to properly deflate the tires

(The air pressure is reduced to about 1.8), there are generally deflation and refilling services at the local gas station

On the way to the desert, because the roads are sandy roads, and in some places the sand is relatively soft, the car has sunk, and the tires have sunk halfway, even if you use another car to drag it, you can't pull it up!

At this time, everyone is a little bit wondering what to do, Liu Tao suggested, wait for the people in this scenic spot

Wang Wu smiled faintly: "Need it? No need at all, let me do it!" He said, he hugged the whole car directly!

He hugged the three-ton off-road vehicle as a whole, and carried it to a place where the sand was relatively hard.

The live broadcast audience was stunned and speechless!

They could not speak, but they could type, and the barrage flew up.

"Divine power! Wang Wu is really not a human being, he is a god!"

"My God, no wonder he can kill all those lion hyenas, his strength is really too strong!"

"Is this still a human? This is simply the superhero in the comics!"

Why did Wang Wu expose his abilities in this way?

He just wants to attract the superpowers of this time and space, and wants to see if there are other superheroes, and see if the prototype in the 3.5 Avengers in the mold country exists?

Only when he shows his abilities can he attract those people to come to him, because superpowers and they have some competitive relationships with each other!

What makes him regretful is that although he has shown his super abilities in the past few days, it seems that there is no impulsive superman who ran over to fight him!

He felt a little bit invincible lonely.

"How lonely is invincibility, how empty is invincibility

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