Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 545 The most beautiful Daji set up a game!

Before that, Zhang Xinyu posted a photo with actress Fu Yiwei on Weibo, saying, "She is the most classic Su Fuji in my heart. Later, I also acted, but I can't compare with her. Now I'm filming together. , It's really fate."

The two people who have played the role of Daji took photos together. Fu Yiwei, who is 20 years older than Zhang Xinyu, is not inferior to Zhang Xinyu. The bright and good skin looks very good in daily life. She is also a charming woman who loves herself, loves her skin, loves sports, and time seems to leave no mark on her face.

Fu Yiwei is like many other big beauties: "I never thought I was so beautiful. I hate makeup and think that the natural state is the most beautiful, so I often face up to the sky." Fu Yiwei said that when she acted, she had the most headache It is makeup. Every time I go to the dressing room, I feel very painful, and I am very happy when I go back to the room after makeup. "After putting on the makeup, I don't want to wipe it off.

Afraid to go further. So once I was shooting a costume drama, I put on makeup and lasted for 4 days and 4 nights. Whenever the makeup artist asks me how I feel, I say "Okay, it's good, that's it." This makes the makeup artist feel very relaxed. They all say that Fu Yiwei is unassuming, friendly, and never picking on people's faults. Actually, I am lazy. "Fu Yiwei said that he doesn't like makeup and it has something to do with his personality.

In her life, she is a direct outgoing type, with all her happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy on her face.

It turned out that in that life, things were exploding and aging was accelerated. In this life, it was not her Sheshe but her son She. She was fine on her own and continued to maintain a particularly good state!

Using the superb power he got from the Flash comics, Wang Wu flew from the Namib desert to the roof of a villa in the capital of China in a few minutes.

The time in Namibia is more than five hours in the evening than the time in the capital. The time in Namibia is more than 2 o'clock in the evening, and the time in the capital is already 7 o'clock the next morning.

At this time, many office workers have already gotten up, but for Fu Yiwei, who is more of a night owl in night scenes, he is still asleep.

Although Fu Yiwei is not as rich as when she was in the clothing business before, she still can afford to live in a villa because she bought this villa when she was in business before.

Wang Wu stood on the top of the building and listened quietly. He heard three voices in this villa, three slight breathing sounds, one of which was the voice of a man, and the other two were the voice of a woman. The voice of that man should be "Anonymous "Gao Mingshi, the other two, one should be Fu Yiwei, and the other is the nanny they hired.

Wang Wu thought for a while, first entered the babysitter's room and lit the sleeping point of the babysitter (bedf). The babysitter wakes up!

In this way, Wang Wu could set up a relationship between Gao Mingshi and Fu Yiwei's mother and son, and at the same time he could make his hero appear in front of Fu Yiwei.

Wang Wu first entered Gao Mingshi’s room. Gao Mingshi did not have any drug addiction at this time. Gang オ read some novels, and after insulting other authors and other readers like Wang Wu, he fell asleep very happily. NS.

Suddenly, Gao Mingshi felt someone beside the bed and woke up!

Just as Gao Mingshi was about to exclaim, his eyes saw two eyes that looked like black holes in the universe.His consciousness was quickly swallowed by the other party, and his mind was quickly controlled by the other party!

Almost the moment when his eyes met, Gao Mingshi was hypnotized by Wang Wu!

After Wang Wu hypnotized Gao Mingshi, he instilled something in his mind, manipulated him, and got him up!

Gao Mingshi got up from the bed, opened the door automatically, walked to the door of Fu Yiwei's room and knocked on the door.

Fu Yiwei slept very late, just fell asleep, sound asleep, no response,

Gao Mingshi clenched his fists and slammed the door!

Fu Yiwei woke up and shouted, "What happened?"

Gao Mingshi screamed: "Mom, I feel sick in my stomach, and I feel sick all over, send me to the hospital!"

After Fu Yiwei listened, he panicked, put on his clothes quickly, got up and opened the door.

As a result, Gao Mingshi rushed violently. .

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