Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 560 Yang Zi is thin and beautiful!

At the same time, the system prompts: "Master, Yang Zi's favor with Qin Junjie has dropped from 80 to 30!"

This is a very natural change. When a woman's heart falls in love with another man, her feelings towards the original man will drastically decrease, and Qin Junjie's previous favor with Yang Zi was only 80 points. It is also the reason why Qin Junjie has always wanted Yang Zi, and Yang Zi refused to give herself to her. After all, Qin Junjie’s charm is really just a comparison.

The average man is a little bit better, but the goodness is very limited, and he can't talk to Wang Wu at all, so he has not even reached 100 points!

At this time, Wang Wu saw Yang Zi, looked at her up and down, and couldn't help but admire: "You are thin and beautiful!"

Yang Zi heard Wang Wu's admiration and couldn't help tears in her eyes: "Sister, it's not easy!

If you want to say that the artist with the highest popularity of 270 in 2018, Yang Zi must be among them. She starred in "Sweet Honey as Frost" in both ratings and reputation.

The biggest highlight in the play is Yang Zi's acting skills, especially the textbook crying scene, which has earned enough tears from the majority of people and received full praise. The hot search continues to dominate the screen for 20 hours.

Speaking of Yang Zi, Wang Wu has always felt that she is a special presence in the entertainment industry.

Back then, with "Family Have Children" became popular all over the country, many people believed that she could not get rid of the labels of "child star" and "Xiaoxue".

However, Yang Zi, a stubborn character, has broken her own path, not only did not fall into the "child star curse", but also has an impeccable performance in "War Changsha", "Ode to Joy" and other dramas.

Speaking of it, in the past few years, Yang (bedf) posture has really not gone easy. His appearance has been questioned, his acting skills have been questioned, gaining weight has been questioned, and his beauty has also been questioned. This girl, who has always been careless, can't help crying when she talks about the pressure of becoming famous.

Especially for her physique prone to obesity, once she gains weight and looks out of shape, she will be given the negative evaluation of "not self-discipline" and "not self-management".

Therefore, in Yang Zi's Weibo, there are a lot of Weibo about "weight loss".

It is said that Yang Zi lost a total of 18 kilograms from 108 kilograms when she joined the crew to 90 kilograms when she finished filming "Fragrant Honey".

Everyone knows the hardship of losing weight, but looking at the exquisite three-dimensional face on the screen, you know that Yang Zi's self-discipline was very successful this time.

Not only the face has become thinner, but the small thick legs that have been criticized have also become thinner, and the whole person's temperament has become a lot more advanced.

Not only the thin legs that live in the refined photos, but the slender and straight beautiful legs that have successfully withstood the test of animated pictures.

You know, for girls, thick legs are very detrimental to self-confidence. How many beautiful female stars are defeated by a pair of thick legs, and the goodwill disappears when they wear short skirts.

Moreover, because of losing weight, Yang Zi also bid farewell to the original net red face and became more natural and beautiful!

Compared with her when her face was stiff, the shape of the nose and chin is now significantly reduced, the mountain roots no longer stand up strangely as before, and the sharpness and warpage of the chin have returned to nature.It is guessed that it should be the filler injected before. Being absorbed no longer works.

And Yang Zi herself broke the news that she had lost 18 pounds in order to film this movie!

She lost weight because of her weight loss, which led to the accelerated loss of fillers on her face, her face became thinner and thinner, and her unnatural sense of shaping became weaker and weaker.

Originally, try not to rush to lose weight after autologous fat is filled, otherwise it will cause fat loss and affect the effect of surgery. This is a good thing for Yang Zi, who was overfilled before, and restores to be natural. No matter what she does, her expression will be a lot more flexible.

Her "Fragrant Honey" was filmed in 2017. After the filming was free, I came to "Flowers and Youth".

However, after watching "Xiangmi", Wang Wuwanwan did not expect that the character of Jin Mi played by Yang Zi would still be the setting of a big beauty in the later stage. The early stage is more naughty and cute, and her beauty will be highlighted in the later stage. She would have nosebleeds, saying that she looks good at attracting bees and butterflies. The fisherman on the ferry said that he was one of the two most beautiful women he had seen in hundreds of thousands of years.

Although Wang Wu admitted that she was a lot better in this drama, but to tell the truth, she still doesn't agree with her being able to play the role of a great beauty.

From Lu Xueqi to Baitian, Yang Zi has been questioned a lot.

After all, it was because no matter how she was rectified, she couldn't get rid of the little girl next door feeling.

This is determined by her body shape, total fat content, and soft facial features. The affinity is very strong, and it has something to do with everyone who is too familiar with her.

This kind of affinity makes it difficult for her to possess the cool and glamorous temperament of a big beauty. .

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