Yang Zi smiled and said, "Angkor, how old are you this year?"

Wang Wu smiled and said, "I am 19 years old, how about you?"

Yang Zi giggled and said, "I'm a few years older than you, you should call my sister!"

She laughed very contagiously.

Wang Wu shook his head: "If I call your sister, don't I call you old? I should call your sister. In this case, others think you are younger than me!!

Yang Zi blinked her eyes: "It makes sense, that's okay, you can call me my sister from now on!"

Zhao Liying giggled at the side, Yang Zi was so innocent!

Hua Shaotuan's trip to Australia, the first stop flew to Sidney!

As the most developed city in the southern hemisphere! City! City! Not too much fun..

Then Zhao Liying and Yang Zi introduced Sydney to Wang Wu and others.

They didn't expect that Wang Wu would be familiar with that place even if they arrived one day earlier.

Wang Wu Kan talked: "Sydney has been rated as one of the most livable cities in the world by UN-Habitat for many years.

Sydney has a highly developed financial, manufacturing and tourism industries. Among them, the headquarters of the world's top multinational corporations and domestic and foreign financial institutions are all rooted in Sydney. At the same time, Sydney is also home to the Australian Securities Exchange, the Reserve Bank of Australia, and the 20th Century Fox Studios. Sydney is also the host city of many important international sports events, which have been held in the past

The 1938 Commonwealth Games, the 2000 Sydney Olympics and the 2003 Rugby World Cup.

Sydney occupies 2 geographic areas, Cumberland Gorge and Kongsby Plateau. The Cumberland Canyon is a relatively flat, somewhat undulating area lying west and south of Port Jackson. The Kongsby Plateau is a plateau north of the harbour. It is about 200 meters above sea level and is cut by a valley full of vegetation. The oldest area of ​​Sydney is located in a flat area. Consby Plateau,

Called the North Shore. It was not until the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge in 1932 that the plateau was connected to the city.

Sydney’s harbour is a great place for yachts, small rowing boats, dragon boats and fishing activities. In addition, Sydney has many beaches that are worth visiting and suitable for land and water sports, such as Bondi Beach, Manly Beach, Palm Tree Beach and Cronulla Beach.

The Sydney Opera House is a large-scale comprehensive theatrical performance center in Sydney, famous for its unique architectural image. It is built on a piece of land in Sydney Harbour that extends into the sea, facing the water in the east, west and north, and facing the Royal Botanic Garden in the south.

The Reptile Park is the largest reptile park in Australia. Lizards, spiders, platypus, wombats, koalas, kangaroos and crocodiles can be seen everywhere in the park.

Sydney is known as the Living Fossil Museum of the World. According to statistics, there are more than 650 species of birds in Sydney, of which about 450 are unique to Sydney. Most of Australia's marsupials are distributed in Sydney. Due to its stable environment, Sydney has unique ancient biological species that have been preserved during the evolution of the earth. Although they appear primitive, they have become human studies of the evolution of the earth.

Living fossil of history.

As Sydney is close to the ocean, seafood is naturally the best ingredient in various cuisines. Among them, the mud crab, Moreton shell crayfish and oysters are the representative seafood delicacies of the Greater Sydney metropolitan area. Most of the 270 stores still bake in the traditional way, and the taste is sweet and salty."

Yang Zi couldn't help asking, "Angkor, have you been here before?"

Wang Wu shook his head: "I have never been, I have never been.

Yang Zi was immediately puzzled: "You haven't been here, why are you so familiar with this place?"

Wang Wu smiled and said: "Although I have never been here, I have read the travel guide, and I remember every word and every sentence in the travel guide!"

Yang Zi couldn't help asking: "Your memory is so good, do you remember it?"

Wang Wu nodded: "It is indeed unforgettable!"

"I've never seen someone who never forgets!" Yang Zi suddenly took out a script from her bag and handed it to Wang Wu: "Angel, can you memorize the first episode?"

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