It turns out that Feng Shaofeng and Zhao Liying eventually got married!

Although the majority of people don't approve of this marriage, as Zhou Xingchi said, "Is it your turn to oppose these monsters?"

The problem is that in this life, Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng are not yet together.

Wang Wu and Zhao Liying are already together. Although there is no official announcement, how can Wang Wu willingly hand over Zhao Liying to Feng Shaofeng under such circumstances? This is absolutely impossible!

Therefore, Wang Wu said to Zhao Liying: "If you have someone else in your heart, then don't agree to him! At Feng Shaofeng's age, you must want to get married. Getting married is a lifelong matter. If you don't love him, You get married with him every day, wouldn't it be painful for the rest of your life!

If you want to get married, choose someone you love!"

Zhao Liying looked forward to her beautiful eyes. She took a deep look at Wang Wu and said with a wry smile: "But the person I love is younger than me. He is currently 270 years old and still can't get married. What's more, he has many girlfriends. I don't know what I should do. manage?"

Wang Wu knew that Zhao Liying was calling him by name.

Zhao Liying hopes that he will make a statement. Now Feng Shaofeng is already pursuing Zhao Liying. Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng cooperate in two plays. Under such circumstances, if Wang Wu cannot give Zhao Liying a satisfactory answer, Zhao Liying is very likely to accept it. Feng Shaofeng's pursuit!

This is what Wang Wu absolutely doesn't want to see!

So Wang Wu looked at other people and found that they were all chatting about their own affairs, and no one was paying attention to them!

However, Wang Wu still said to Zhao Liying with [Transferring into Secrets]: "The person you mentioned, I also know him, he is different from ordinary people, what do you think?"

Zhao Liying nodded, she knew Wang Wu understood what she meant.

Wang Wu is indeed different from ordinary people. After all, one punch can blow a lion's head.

Wang Wu continued: "He is a superhero!"

Zhao Liying was surprised: "Superhero, isn't that the existence in comics and movies? There is reality too?"

Wang Wu smiled and said: "In the traditional sense, superheroes refer to those heroes in comics. You think there is no superhero in reality. In fact, the person you are talking about is a superhero, and he is a superhero in China!

Now every country has superheroes. Nuclear weapons cannot move. The response of national power is superheroes. Superheroes are mobile nuclear weapons and controllable nuclear weapons. A country has many superheroes, and that country can achieve a certain strategic advantage.

In order to maintain the security of the country, every country is trying out various ways (bedf) to increase the number of superheroes in its own country, but they have tried all kinds of methods, but found that superhero The most reasonable way to grow more is genetic, so now every country has given superhero birth privileges, which is to allow superheroes.


Zhao Liying was completely stunned.

She whispered: "Wait a minute, you let me first."

After a while, she asked in a low voice: "Angel, I think you are capable, you can see it just by hitting a lion's head with a punch!

But being a superhero is definitely not only powerful, it should also have some super powers, can you show me super powers?"

Wang Wu smiled and said: "There are so many people now, it is inconvenient. When I go to see you at night, I will show you, but we now have a saying, if I prove that I am a superhero, I can marry you, then do you want to marry? Give me?"

Of course, Zhao Liyinglin's most fascinating is Wang Wu. Compared with Wang Wu, Feng Taidi is nothing at all!

Who is Feng Taidi? Feng Shaofeng.

Feng Shaofeng filmed a "New Journey to the West" that year. In this TV series, Feng Shaofeng played Erlang Shen. Everyone knows that Erlang Shen has a snarling dog. In his spare time during filming, Feng Shaofeng posted his snarling dog on Weibo, which turned out to be a cute Teddy. From then on, everyone called him Feng Teddy.

Zhao Liying nodded and solemnly said: "If you can prove that you are a superhero, then I will follow you."

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