Wang Wu continued: "Feng Teddy, when Liying was not famous, you didn't pursue Liying, didn't you just dislike Liying's fame? At that time, you didn't even put Liying in your eyes.

Now that Liying's reputation is big, she is a top-level traffic flower, and you are begging for her for nothing. Isn't this a typical trend for inflammation?

If you liked her chasing her since the beginning of your cooperation, instead of flirting with the more popular women and rumoring gossip, then I can look at you high, but now what you do, In my eyes, it is the behavior of the villain!"

At the beginning, Feng Taidi played the protagonist in "Couple and Wife", Zhao Liying played the heroine when his mother was young, the actor was Feng Taidi, which means that Zhao Liying played his mother-in-law. Zhao Liying is an underage girl who kills Matt in "A Dream Like a Dream". Those years when Zhao Liying ran the game, probably did not meet Feng Taidi, because the coffee position was wrong, until Zhao Li

Ying worked all the way along the ecological chain of the entertainment circle, and got the opportunity to face Feng Teddy day and night. Some people will say romantically, "It is also because Feng Teddy has missed it time and time again in his past love, so it will not be sooner or later, and it happens to be with Zhao Liying in "The Kingdom of Daughters"."

According to Wang Wu's understanding, Feng Taidi waited until Zhao Liying was older than himself before pursuing Zhao Liying.

Feng Taidi's face was blue and purple. He had to admit that what Wang Wu said was right. When he first started working together, he did not have Zhao Liying in his eyes, and only Zhao Liying later became famous with the filming of Hua Qiangu. , Zhao Liying only exists in his eyes.

In each of his love affairs and scandals, the starting point is actually not love, but to make himself more popular, or to maintain his popularity in the entertainment industry. He also has this mindset when he wants to be with Zhao Liying.

It's just that Feng Teddy can't admit it anyway!

When Feng Teddy saw Zhao Liying's contemptuous gaze, he was anxious. If Zhao Liying was completely convinced that he pursued her with such a mind, then he would be completely finished!

Feng Taidi quickly said: "I'm telling the truth, I used to gossip with Yang Mi, and Ni Xuan with impure motives, but I am 100% out of love for Liying. Instead, it is you. , You are now a newcomer, an 18-line artist, you and Liying clearly want to use her to climb high branches, just like many women who like to be older than yourself

Like the star guy, maybe you are the second Wen Zhang 々/!"

Feng Taidi is actually going to beat him down!

Wang Wu wants to distinguish for himself.

Zhao Liying said with a serious face: "Feng Taidi, don't slander others if you have an impure motive. With Wang Wu's current wealth, popularity, talent, and ability, can he still cling to me?

To be honest, I am so selfish and want to follow him so that my position in the entertainment industry can flourish.

Feng Teddy, you can say so, please don't disturb me and Wang Wu's loving time.

Feng Teddy's face was gloomy and terrible. He didn't expect that Zhao Liying didn't even talk about his feelings of cooperation. She had such an attitude towards herself and clearly regarded herself as a person who harassed her.

He became angry and said: "~Zhao Liying! Don't forget, he is 13 years younger than you. After you marry him, be careful that you will become the second Ma Yili. When you have a big belly, he Find other women outside, you won’t have time to cry by then!"

Feng Taidi's face at this time is different from his usual elegant appearance!

Wang Wu really wants to slap it over!

Zhao Liying pulled him, not letting him do it.

She knew that Wang Wu could smash the lion's head with a single punch, and Feng Taidi might be dead if the slap passed, and things would become a big deal by then!

(Zhao Hao) Zhao Liying's face sank and said: "Feng Taidi! Don't provoke divorce here, I know better than you, let alone after marriage, even now, Wang Wu has other girlfriends, but I am still willing Become his woman, because I love him, I don't care if he has other women!"

Feng Taidi was completely silly, and couldn't help but curse: "Zhao Liying, I didn't think you were such a bitch, you are so cheap!"

Wang Wu couldn't bear it, so he flew up and slapped Feng Teddy's handsome and greasy face.

With a plop, Feng Taidi fell to the ground and fainted!

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