Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 575 Feng Teddy was horrified to the extreme!

When Zhao Liying came out of the shower, Wang Wu had done all the things to hypnotize Feng Teddy.

The Feng Teddy returned to his original appearance, and the wax shrank in the corner of the room.

Wang Wu looked at the beauty of Zhao Liying who was out of the bath, and was astonished to the extreme.

At this time, Zhao Liying's skin was pink and white, round face, watery eyes, and silky eyebrows, like delicate flowers with fresh dew beads on it.

Zhao Liying couldn't help but exulted when she saw Wang Wu looking at herself stupidly.

Any woman likes her lover to look at herself so infatuated.

But now the spring night is worth a thousand dollars, and Zhao Liying also wants to hurry up and enjoy the best moments in life.

So she quickly said: "Why are you still in a daze? Go take a shower!

But before Wang Wu was about to take a bath, Zhao Liying suddenly pointed to Feng Taidi and said: "This person is here to affect our mood, you should drive him away.

Wang Wu also thought of a question. The appearance of Feng Teddy must be seen by many staff and people in the Hua Shao group. If Feng Teddy stays in Zhao Liying's room for a long time before leaving, many people will talk about it. One after another said how they were, which affected Zhao Liying's reputation and made herself very uncomfortable!

He thought for a while and thought of a surefire solution.

And Queen Wu said to Zhao Liying: "Okay, I will get it out now!"

He woke up Feng Teddy, then dragged Feng Teddy to walk outside the door.

As if he was supporting Feng Teddy, he kept changing to the outside of the hotel.

Many people have seen that it was Wang Wu who sent Feng Teddy away.

When he arrived in a secluded place outside the hotel, Wang Wu suddenly used invisibility.

Invisibility not only hides oneself, but also hides all other people and things. Only Wang Wu can see it.

This time he was only invisible to Feng Teddy.

After hiding Feng Teddy, he dragged Feng Teddy, like a dead dog, and walked into the hotel.

No one saw him pulling Feng Teddy, and thought he came back empty-handed.

When Wang Wu returned to Zhao Liying's room, he said to Zhao Liying, "I'm going to take a shower!"

Zhao Liying said coquettishly: "Okay, I'll wait for you!"

Zhao Liying did not see Feng Teddy in Wang Hao's hand, because Feng Teddy was still invisible.

Feng Taidi always wanted to struggle to escape, but found that Wang Wu's hands were powerful!

He wanted to shout, but found that his voice choked in his throat and couldn't get out of Benfa!

What shocked him even more was that everyone he saw along the way didn't seem to have seen him!

………Please ask for flowers………

This made Feng Teddy feel very terrified!

Even more frightened, he went back to Zhao Liying's room and entered the bathroom.

Wang Wu first clicked on Feng Teddy's acupuncture point and let her curl up in the corner of the bathroom.

After Wang Wu took a shower, he pulled Feng Teddy into the platform and let him kneel on the ground.

Then Wang Wu said with [Through Voice Transmission]: "Feng Taidi, I want to tell you one thing. At a certain time and space, you and Zhao Liying got married. You got your marriage certificate. It was on October 16, 2018. Zhao Liying’s birthday


Feng Teddy was horrified to the extreme.

But Feng Taidi is willing to believe that this is a real thing, because he really married Zhao Liying!

Wang Wu said: "But as a fan of Zhao Liying, I am very dissatisfied that you are with her, so I want to separate you. You will treat you as Zhao Liying's husband now, and what I am doing now is to give you a dress. A big green hat, very fresh, very green, just kneel here and feel it slowly

Wang Wu said that, naturally there is a way for him to completely calm things down and nothing will happen, and he will not put himself at any risk! and.

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