Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 581 Go to the Federal Reserve Vault!

Wang Wu sneered: "Feng Taidi, I don't want to tell you more, you made me feel very uncomfortable in my previous life!

In this life, I will also make you uncomfortable. Don't worry, I will not kill you. I will make you worse than death!"

He said, holding Feng Teddy's wrist, and activated the black magic that deprived of energy.

Feng Teddy was horrified to the extreme at that time, because he felt that there was a mysterious energy in his body constantly pouring out!

It's as if one's own arteries have been severed, and blood is rushing!

"Night Eighty Zero"

With the continuous gushing out of that life energy, Feng Taidi felt as if he was getting closer and closer to death!

But he remembered, didn't Wang Hao just said he didn't kill himself? How could he treat himself like this?

After a while, Wang Wu released his hand, and Feng Taidi felt that his body suddenly became a lot weaker!

It turned out to be a 40-year-old man, but now it feels like a seven-year-old man, and all his internal organs have become very uncomfortable, as if he has cancer!

The most terrifying thing is that he felt that his most important part was completely unaware.

After Wang Wu abolished Feng Taidi, he hypnotized Feng Taidi again, making Feng Taidi forget what happened tonight, and forget all the things that happened between him and Zhao Liying!

Feng Teddy's head was empty and his face was blank, only remembering that he was Feng Teddy.

Originally Feng Teddy was a star between the first and second lines, but because of this torture, his energy, energy and physical strength have all faded, and he can no longer load his original work. It collapsed quickly.

Outsiders didn't know that he was deprived of energy by Wang Hao, and thought he was suffering from depression.

There are a lot of celebrities, who were originally big hits. After suffering from depression, their star journey dimmed.

For the stars in the entertainment circle, depression is the most scary.

Sometimes, the performance of depression is not so strong, but just a manifestation of some normality in life.

Of course, for depression, it is very scary. Depression brings a lot of mental and psychological pressure. Sometimes, the public is not so easily exposed to depression, while stars are different. Sometimes because of the appearance of some characters, or the negative influence of some fishing boats, or some right and wrong in the entertainment circle, these often make him

We have some mental pressure. With the increasing of these pressures, depression will appear over time.

My brother Zhang Guorong was very popular in the early stage. Until now, some classic works have been loved by everyone. At that time, I lost confidence in my life because I couldn't bear the pressure, so later that sensation happened in the entertainment industry.


They thought Feng Teddy was the same.

Feng Teddy gradually died later. He died in collapse within a few years.

Now that the timeline is back to this evening, Wang Wu got the wall-piercing technique, thinking of what the system said, he wanted to go to the Federal Reserve Bank's vault, try the wall-piercing technique, and get some gold by the way!

The Federal Reserve Bank's underground vault is the world's largest vault. It is located 20 meters underground on Manhattan Island, New York. It stores more than 8,300 tons of gold from more than 60 countries (accounting for 30% of the world's official gold reserves). The value of gold is calculated based on the market value in 2008. The total amount exceeds 237 billion U.S. dollars.

Mold country became the global gold trading center since the establishment of the Bretton Woods currency system. The Bretton Woods system is based on gold and the U.S. dollar is the main international reserve currency. The U.S. dollar is directly linked to gold, and the national currency 3.5 is pegged to the U.S. dollar, and can be exchanged for gold at the official price of 35 U.S. dollars an ounce. Under this system, New York gradually became

In addition to the global gold trading center, and the transportation and storage of large amounts of gold are not easy, in order to save the trouble of trading and storage, countries simply store gold in moldy countries. Although the Bretton Woods monetary system has collapsed, gold has remained in the country.

Swish, the [Flash] skill is turned on, and Wang Wu soon came outside the Federal Reserve Bank vault!.

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