Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 583 Curb the national strength of moldy country!

The volume of Wang Wu's system treasury is related to his full attributes.

Now his full attributes are only a little more than 100, that is to say, the volume of his current system treasure house is 100 meters by 100 meters and then by 100 meters, which is 1 million cubic meters. With such a large volume, can all these gold be loaded? full?

Wang Wu has no bottom in his heart, because there are 30% of the world's gold! More than 8,300 tons of gold!

In order to make sure, before entering the vault, Wang Wu went to a large local prison.

In that prison, he used the black magic of [Energy Snatch] to deprive thousands of people of the life energy, making his full attributes temporarily reach 200 points!

This is also a compromise between Wang Wu and the system, because the system is worried that his body will not be able to load, and before that, he has given him a limit, so that he can only increase his total attributes by 10 points a day, and can only absorb the lives of 100 people. energy.

But with this limitation, the system temporarily compromises in this special situation.

But it prevented him from robbing anyone's life energy in the next ten days.

Now his full attributes have soared to 200 points, making his space volume have reached 8 million cubic meters, so that it is enough to take all the gold in the Fed's vault!

However, the problem is that the Fed's vault is not just a moldy country's gold, only about 5% belong to a moldy country, and most of the rest belong to foreign governments and national banks. After the outbreak of World War II, many European countries transported gold here for storage. , They did not transport the gold away.

Wang Wu took all the gold in the Fed's vault, and that was an enemy of the whole world.

If it was someone else, it might be persuaded, but as far as Wang Wu is concerned, he is not afraid at all!

Because he has already seen a bit clearly, the situation facing China now is no different from more than 100 years ago!

Back then, the Eight-Power Allied Forces dealt with China, and now those countries such as Europe, America, Japan, South Korea and other countries suppress China economically, and are also uniting to curb China's development.

It may be that China's vigorous development over the years reminded them of how they used to oppress China. They were afraid that China would avenge them, so they would try their best to contain China's development!

Moreover, the global resources are limited. If China develops like the average level of the mold country, it means that the resources that zero countries and other developed countries can enjoy will not be as much as before. It is also because of the limited resources. Each country will contain each other’s development, and now the main target of the European and American powers is China.

We thought of trying to make China a failed development China like those countries in South America.

Especially the mold country, more hostile to China's development than other countries!

Since the country’s GDP was the first in the world in 1894, in the "strategic term 々/dian" of the country, which country has the second highest strength in the world, which country threatens the status of the country, and which country is the country’s most important opponent. The moldy country must contain this country.

Someone once concluded that there is a "60% law" in the logic of the mold country’s international exchanges: when another country’s economy reaches 60% of the mold country’s economy and maintains a strong growth momentum, it may even catch up with the mold country quickly. At that time, the mold country will definitely set it as an opponent, and will do everything possible to contain the opponent's growth. Whether it was the Soviet Union, Japan, or

It's the current China, no exception.

No matter what China does, in the eyes of the mold country, China's development has "endangered the mold country's number one." As the world's second largest economy, China's total economic output has exceeded 60% of that of the country. It is the combined GDP of Japan, Germany, and England. It is also the world's largest trading country in goods and the world's largest foreign exchange reserve country. Especially in recent years, the development of China has become

As it enters the blowout period, it has a quarter of the world's industrial capacity, and its level of innovation and technology is rapidly catching up with mold countries, and its economic and trade relations with countries around the world have become closer, and it is also attractive to other countries in the world. Since the Opium War, after more than 100 years of hard work , China is approaching the center of the world stage again, with such a large volume and such a heavy weight, no".

"Low-key" can be hidden, just like an elephant cannot hide behind a small tree.

Although China is still "the world's largest developing country" and has repeatedly reiterated that it will never seek hegemony and never engage in expansion, China, which has become the second largest economy based on the consistent logic of the mold country, has naturally become the mold country's global hegemony. Its position is the biggest challenger.

So it will do everything possible to contain China's development!

So since the enemies have already flared their teeth and claws, Wang Wu now doesn't want to hide his powers and bide his time!

What he has to do now is to use his superpowers to weaken the national power of these enemies, so that they (with money) can't compete with China, and the first thing to do is to weaken the national power of the number one enemy of United States of America. !

He is preparing to take away all the gold in the Fed's vaults, and then release a big news, so that other countries that store gold in the Fed's vaults will think that this is the moldy country that has embezzled the gold, and they will all ask for it from the moldy country. When they came to these European and American powers, they bit their dogs first.

After they were sober, Wang Wu would give them another blow.

In short, after he now has a new identity, he doesn't want to let his superpowers just stop at picking up girls.He still wants to do more, for his country and nation, and for his family!

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