Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 596 Do you really dote on your wife?

Wang Wu suddenly remembered that he had turned Huang Jiaozhu into a pure-hearted man, and it was impossible for him to have any interest in Yang Tianbao.

He probably only cares about interests now!

Everyone knows that Huang Jiaozhu’s love for Yang Tianbao really reached the point of madness and madness, and thus obtained a title, "Doting Wife and Devil"!

When the two got married, Lord Huang held a grand wedding for Yang Tianbao. Almost half of the entertainment industry representatives came to the wedding scene. Not only the local tyrants were also star-studded. It is rumored that the wedding cost 200 million yuan, and the address was selected in the Shanghai exhibition. The center is held. In order to realize Yang Tianbao's childhood dream, the wedding scene is comparable to a large-scale awards ceremony, with various bodyguards, concierges, and venues.

The cost of renting, wedding banquets, etc. totaled more than 200 million yuan, and the gift income of friends close to the leader alone exceeded 60 million.

In addition, for Yang Tianbao, Master Huang also learnt from Quan Zhilong's dance to make Yang Tianbao happy!

As early as February 28, 2014, on Yang Tianbao’s 14th birthday, Lord Huang gave a Lamborghini that Yang Tianbao liked for a long time. At that time, Lord Huang even tricked Yang Tianbao not to accompany her on her birthday. Unexpectedly, Lord Huang personally drove it that day. The car was sent to Yang Tianbao.

Yang Tianbao was very pleasantly surprised when he saw it. He was so happy that he bought several million cars for Yang Tianbao, and he really loved him.

Jia Suliang broke the news on a program that the leader Huang Jiaobu bought the whole street of Haagen-Dazs ice cream for Yang Tianbao. At that time, Yang Tianbao was filming on a certain set and suddenly told Master Huang that he wanted to eat Haagen-Dazs. Master Huang ran the entire street and bought more than 20,000 Haagen-Dazs ice cream, and bought a large freezer to put it at home. Enough for Yang Tianbao for a few months.

Yang Tianbao was almost injured when he was recording a show with the male crew. The leader Huang went to the crew late at night to rant on the people present, making everyone embarrassed at the time.

In "The Whirlwind Duty Son", the leader Huang said that all his money belongs to his wife.

When recording the program "Chinese Restaurant", Yang Tianbao was on the lips all day long, giving the audience the illusion that Yang Tianbao was on the show.

It even claimed in the show that it was too hard for his wife to have children. If he could do it, he would rather choose to give birth to Yang Tianbao.

He also started a charity in the name of his wife. Every year on his wife’s birthday, 100 children in difficulty will be sponsored. It is obvious that Yang Tianbao will receive both fame and fortune.

Regarding Yang Tianbao’s acting skills, there have been a lot of speculations. The TV series "City of Desire", which was supposed to be played by her and Chen Zhiming, has been questioned because Chen Zhiming disliked Yang Tianbao's acting skills because of Chen Zhiming's resignation. Just when the outside world questioned Yang Tianbao, Huang Jiaozhu still spoke for his wife in front of the media, and even wanted to join the "City of Desire".

"The leader Huang is hopeless to dominate his wife to this point.

There is always another side to things.

Not long after Yang Tianbao had just given birth, he and her husband Huang Jiaozhu did not stay for a moment, and they rushed to Shanghai, and then attended the Lux shower gel endorsement event. The important thing is that you have to return to the reality show "Running Man" immediately, because you can't let the audience and friends forget the only female in the running man.


But what makes everyone wonder is why such a wealthy husband and wife return to work in such a hurry to make money?

Why don't you take advantage of this time after giving birth to your son, Sponge, to take care of your body and take care of your children at home, but instead you still work so hard and run around the world. Is this really good?

Is this the way Huang Jiao spoils his wife?

Let’s take a look at the female celebrities who were pregnant and gave birth to Yang Tianbao at the same time, such as Ruby Lin, Chen Yanxi, and Gao Yuanyuan and Liu Shishi who had never been pregnant. In public appearances, especially Chen Yanxi, there is basically no difference between her before and after the production. On the contrary, Yang Tianbao may have suffered from too much work.

Because of such a great effort, he is now too thin to look at it with his eyes.

Just a while ago, due to something happened to the leader Huang, 293 broke his business empire. It can be seen that the leader Huang is a rich man, but he is already a rich man. Why does Yang Tianbao still work hard after getting married? At work, how can he bear his wife to continue making movies?

However, in a variety show, Master Huang once revealed that all his economic rights are left to his parents, which means that if Yang Tianbao wants to spend money, he can only make money on his own.

It is rumored that Yang Tianbao and Huang Jiaozhu’s property are now separated, and they have been notarized before marriage. It seems that it is true in all likelihood!

Yang Tianbao, if she can't make movies anymore and won't make any money, Huang Jiaozhu will not give her much.

From this fundamental issue of property division, it can be seen that this wife-loving demon is just a personal design. If he really loves his wife, his wife will not come to Wang Wu behind his back!

After Wang Wu figured out these things, he really hurt Yang Tianbao a little bit. It is no wonder that there was news that Yang Tianbao was going to divorce in that time and space!

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