Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 683 Offend the Brown family, the giants of the drug country!

"Oh, Tyler, since you like it, then I will buy it for you." Another male star who thinks he is very handsome has already stepped forward to conquer Tyler by charm.

"No, I bought it myself." Tyler didn't even look at it, and walked straight over.

The slender and smooth swan neck supports her arrogance as a powerful singer.

She walked in front of Wang Wu. The height of 180 and her own divine aura made some men with no confidence dare not move forward for a while.

But Wang Wu's aura-not weaker than her.

In the past few years, he has already agreed that he is a hundred billion actor in this world.

And his assets have already passed hundreds of billions, and this confidence makes him look taller.

And after the system transformation, his previous height of 188 centimeters has also increased to 196 centimeters.

This is still under his own control, no matter how high it is, the audience may be distracted.

Tyler stared at Wang Hao's eyes with his arms folded, and Wang Wu stared at her with a smile. The two of them were competing against each other, and Wang Wu's electric eyes were naturally activated.

Although Taylor is still single and unable to derail, he can also find that this man's eyes seem to be hidden in the vast stars, attracting people to fall into it.

The system prompts: "Taylor, looks 85, talent and temperament add 10 points, total score 95, weakness, talent, demeanor, 30 points for your original goodwill, and 30 points for electric eyes, now it reaches 60 points."

At this moment, someone came over very noisy: "Taylor, I just saw a car that suits me too well, I decided to buy it, I will buy it! Is this that car?

The man who came was a blond man with freckles, and Taylor seemed to be close friends.

"Ou Mai Ka, Taylor, you never said that you own this car, which makes me sad." The man kept talking, and finally said his true thoughts: "Can you sell it to me? Friendship."

"No!" "No! "Wang Wu and Taylor yelled in unison.

"Why? Who are you?" the man asked suspiciously.

"I am Wang Hao, I bought this car." Wang Wuyan coughed briefly, but kept smiling.

"Mr. Wang Wu, I didn't say I want to sell it to you." Taylor rolled his eyes and turned to the blond man and said: "Eric, it's not that I didn't tell you, but the procedures for this car are not yet complete."

"Hey, Tyler, it's okay, if something goes wrong, I will pay you as much as possible." The man begged.

"Fifty million, Tyler, I'll give fifty million." The people on the sidelines can't help but start quoting actively.

"Five-five million!" "Sixty million!" The fare increase sounded one after another.

In just ten minutes, the price has been increased to 80 million.

"Miss Taylor, sell me 60 million. I can write songs for you for free." said a well-known male singer.

"70 million! The heroine of my next movie is you!" a Hollywood director yelled.

……For flowers………

Taylor had no choice but to help. The original price of this car was 30 million. Now it has more than doubled. It seems that she won't be able to sell it.

"One hundred million, my friends, I will give one hundred million." The blond man turned and said to the crowd, his voice was not loud, but the weight in his words was not small.

Tyler's eyes widened, and the scene suddenly became much quieter.

Several Middle Easterners still wanted to make an offer, and the blond man said: "My friends, my surname is Bulang.


If you quit now, you will be respected by me, of course, if you don’t quit

He paused and saw the silence of the scene. He was very satisfied. He smiled and said, "It's nothing, but I won't back down. After all, this is the tradition of our family."

The "OK, OK" crowd dispersed, and a few unconvinced black people said helplessly, they could no longer compete.

The blond man in front of him should be a member of the Broun family, the top wealthy of the country at that time.

The surname Bulang represents a very high status and resources in the mold country, even if these people want to compete, they can't compete.

"One hundred and fifty million." Wang Hao picked up his mobile phone and instantly hacked into Taylor's account and transferred 150 million dollars into it.

Time seems to have stopped! Eric's face was pale.

It is audible to hear the needle in the car shop of Nuo Da, and some people dare to offend the Broang family in the mold country!

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