Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 693 The crew encountered new troubles! Set fire and attacked!

Eric took out his hand to grab it, and his little brothers also picked up submachine guns.

A red dot appeared on Wang Wu's head, and a sniper in the distance should have aimed at him.

The crew all let out a cry of exclamation, their hands raised up and trembling.

The atmosphere became tense in an instant, but Wang Wu remained unmoved. He looked at Eric with a mocking look and said: "I originally wanted to help you change it before leaving, but now maybe it is, maybe you won't feel it in your life. Man’s happiness~"

Eric was trembling all over, trying to pull the trigger countless times.

In the end, he had no choice but to put down the gun and lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Wang Wu, forgive my impulse."

"Oh, it depends on your performance." Wang Wu turned and walked back to the set.

Filming in the next few weeks continued to go smoothly. Eric and his little brothers acted as bodyguards and babysitters.

The filming of the plot has also come to an end.

Wang Wu made some changes to the plot to make Tang Taner's plot more smooth and reasonable than the previous life.

Chen Yougan was very excited, as if he had already seen the end of this year's box office champion.

But one night, Chen Yougai received a call from the crew, saying that the set had been burned.

He hurried to the set and found that the fire at the scene had been extinguished, and the contents were torch, including their props, clothes, cameras, etc.

Three big blood-red characters were written on the wall: "Get out!"

The headlines of newspapers in China and China have written about this matter, and rumors have spread.

Some said that the second crew of Tang Tan had offended the local gang boss in the country, some were retaliated by the extreme racists of the country, and some domestic competitors did it.

Wang Wu called Eric and said: "I'm in a bad mood, restore my set to its original state, and then find out who set the fire and notify me."

"Okay, Mr. Wang Wu.

Eric is worthy of being the prince of the mold country and restored the set to its original state in just a few hours.

The best equipment and props are used, and it shows that they do not need to be returned.

Not only did Chen Yougan not lose money this time, but he also made a small profit. He was very happy.

But he found that the mood in the crew was not right, some were passive and sabotaged, and he also vaguely heard someone saying that he wanted to escape here and didn't want to pay his life for the filming.

Wang Wu didn't care, anyway, the shooting continued as usual.

The next day, there was another accident in the crew, all the wires were cut, and some staff were attacked.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Eric came. In just one day, he inquired about all kinds of news about this matter in the country, and finally the suspect was locked on one person, Lamar brothers, before Wang Hao The basketball player who shot in Taylor's nightclub is the older brother, and the security manager of the nightclub is the younger brother.

...For flowers.......

The two brothers have money and people, and they are not a small force in the mold country.

Wang Wu smiled contemptuously: "The shooting continues, this matter started from me, and I will solve this matter in the evening, Eric, you are with me."

"Okay, Mr. Wang." Eric asked respectfully. In the past few days, he had sought many doctors but couldn't solve the problems that happened to him, so he didn't dare to make Wang Wu angry anymore.


In the evening, the Lamar brothers were drinking in a bar. This is their base camp. There are many weapons such as knives, baseball bats, and other weapons!

Their little brothers filled the bar, all ready to go.

"Tonight, we squatted guarding the hotel! The Chinese crew sees one and abandons one! Don't let them go! I want that Wang Wu, kneeling and begging me to let them go!" Lamar brother was sitting in a wheelchair with his legs Bandaged, gritted his teeth and said.

"Destroy them!" The bar burst into joy, completely ignoring a Chinese and a blond moldy Chinese entering the bar.

It's Wang Wu and Eric.

They came to this bar quietly! and,

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