Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 699 Competitive role Lu benefited!

Wang Wu took the wine glass and drank it to Xu Zheng. Xu Zheng stood up and replied, maintaining respect for each other.

Next, Wang Wujing asked Wang Zhuanjun. Wang Zhuanjun picked up the wine glass and said, making Wang Wu a little uncomfortable. He didn't have a good impression of Wang Zhuanjun. They are relatively polite to the crew.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, everyone is familiar with each other and began to discuss the upcoming movie.

The director Wen Muye asked: Have you ever read the script in the "big three seven three" family?"

"seen it already"

"I've seen it, director

Wang Wu has watched this movie many times in his previous life. He has watched the script once before, so all the details of this movie are already well-known. The question now is which role he plays.

When I was eating just now, I looked around, and compared with the previous life, the Huang Mao Zhang Yu was missing. He should have played this role, but he was unwilling in his heart.

The director picked up his mobile phone and said: "Our roles this time have been posted to everyone's phones, because I have seen your acting skills on TV. They are all proficient players, so there is no need to audition."

Wang Wu picked up his mobile phone, and sure enough, the role he wanted to play was Huang Mao.

Although this role is also very brilliant, it is not what Wang Wu wants. Although Lu Yiyi is the second male in the movie, this role can better reflect his acting skills, and the image is more positive than Huang Mao.

Although the male Yi Cheng Yong is also very good, but Wang Wu is too young, and Xu Zheng will indeed bring some comedy elements with it. Not wanting to limit his play, he played two Chinatown detectives in a row, and he felt it was enough.

At this time, Wang Zhuanjun, drunk, laughed and said, "This character is simply tailor-made for me! Hahaha.

He has always been a waiter for his talents, but he hasn't had any outstanding roles since the love apartment, which makes many people think that his talent is just a pretend.

With this role, he can finally slap others in the face.

When Wang Wu heard this, he smiled slightly and gave an aura of unlucky luck.

After Wang Zhuanjun drank a glass of wine, his face turned purple and fell to the ground in shock.

Xu Zheng shouted: "Quick! Send to the hospital quickly!"

Everyone hurriedly called to the hotel's medical staff to give first aid, induce vomiting, and call 120.

But this hotel is in the downtown area, and the ambulance only arrived one and a half hours later, but Wang Zhuanjun's breathing was very weak at that time.

After half an hour, everyone arrived at the hospital, and the doctor walked over to explain the situation: "The patient is alcoholic, which has caused various physical problems, including stomach perforation, liver poisoning, etc., and it will take at least three months to stay in the hospital."

The director held his forehead and said: "Oh, what can I do? The shooting will start soon. How can I shoot with fewer actors? It is too late to choose the role. This Wang Zhuanjun is really, and he doesn't listen to him after drinking every day.

Wang Wu said: "It doesn't matter the director, I can play the role of Lu Yiyi. I have practiced before, and I should be able to grasp it very well.

"Really?" the director asked suspiciously: "Then you can try it now, we are really short on time.


"Let's start!" The director gave instructions

Wang Wu immediately entered the state. He chose Lu Yiyi's reaction on the wine table when he learned that the protagonist Cheng Yong was not selling medicine while drinking. 3.5

With a pale face, he resisted despair, and asked with a flat smile: "Did you drink too much?"

The director was very pleasantly surprised, and everyone else on the scene saw that the acting was extraordinary.

They instantly forgot that the person in front of them was a star idol like Rizhongtian, and they only felt that this was a desperate leukemia patient.

The difficulty of this scene is that a healthy person feels terminally ill.

Wang Wu can instantly enter this state without relying on any external force, which is really amazing!

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