Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 719 The servant of the vampire!

The surrounding footsteps gradually became louder, and there were many shouts in different languages. Song Qian held a gun with an expression like a rival, but Wang Wu's expression was relaxed.

In less than a minute, the sound of footsteps stopped. There were dozens of people standing in front of them, with different skin colors, all holding guns.

Wang Wu didn't seem to see this group of people. He scratched his head and asked Song Qing: "They come from different countries and don't understand the language. How did they work together on March 8 and 7?"

"They don't need to communicate with each other, just listen to my command." A tall black man stood out from the crowd, but he spoke fluent Chinese.

"You are very good, you can speak so many languages."

"Business needs only, thank you Mr. Wang Wu for the compliment." The black face gradually became grim: "Now, please die quietly!"

Gunshots broke out in the harbor. After the gunshots stopped, everyone's eyes widened.

The bullet stopped in front of Wang Hao as if it had encountered some obstacle.

This is a new skill he learned from Magneto in the X-Men. It can control all metal objects.

Wang Wu waved his hand, and the bullets that were stagnant in the air shot back in the opposite direction. All the people who shot were not spared and were shot to the ground one after another.

"Heh, it's really weak." Wang Wu smiled, turned around and hugged Song Qian, who hadn't recovered yet, and flew into the sky, ready to take her back to his home.

"Stop!" There was a loud roar behind him, and it was the black man who brought a few people to the trial like fireworks.

Wang Wu dodged sideways and found that these people had their wings spread behind their backs, and fangs had grown from their mouths. They flew into the sky and looked at him with a grim look.

"Sorry, Mr. Wang Wu, you can't leave yet."

"There are even black people among vampires? It's really rare."

"I am the blood servant, the servant of the lord vampire, the woman in your arms has seen our secret, so please keep her, I can choose to let you make a living."

"Thank you so much."

Song Qian whispered in Wang Wu's arms: "It's okay, Lord, you can put me down, and support will be there in a while."

"No woman in my arms can escape." Wang Wuqi said Zhang, both for the person in his arms and the person on the other side...

Hearing this, Song Qing's delicate body trembled slightly, and suddenly felt that Wang Wu's embrace was warm.

The black man said, "Heh, Mr. Wang Wu, are you a little bit big? Although you are very strong, against the seven of us, do you think you have a great chance of winning?"

"Hehe, you guys are all the same."

"Then goodbye, Mr. Wang Wu!" As he said, several vampires rushed over with their claws outstretched, vowing to tear the two men apart.

Song Qian also closed her eyes, as if she had seen her end, but after half a minute, nothing happened. She opened her eyes curiously, but saw an incredible scene.

Several vampires were all pierced by 3.5 holes in their heads and went down. Only a black man remained in the air with a terrified expression and asked, "Who are you?"

"Tell you, you can't go back and send a letter, so stay alive in jail with questions." This is Wang Wu specially left behind, because he has already seen a Chinese military vehicle coming from a distance. .

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