Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 735 Big Mi Mi burst into tears!

The two drove into an alley, walked in generously, and knocked on a door.

The neighbourhood in the alley recognized these two big stars. They were all staring and watching. After a few moments, the door opened, and they were a kind woman.

"Ah, it's Wang Wu and Da Mi Mi, come and see me, daughter!" the woman shouted in surprise.

Soon, a girl came over, it was the little girl who beat people in the video.

Behind him, the child who was beaten should be related to his sister and brother.

The girl cried out 14 times, and the child kept hiding behind because he recognized that the poster of this person was folded by himself, and he thought it was to trouble him.

"The child is not very good at talking, so come in first," the woman said.

"Okay, thank you." The two entered the door.

Wang Wu looked at the family. It looked poor and warm, but there was no man's stuff. The family portrait was only a mother and two children. It should be a single-parent family.

"Really, is it really you, Wang Hao?" the girl asked softly.

"Haha, of course it's me." Wang Wu smiled heartily.

"Two, have tea." "The woman walked in with tea

"thanks, thanks.

"What's the matter with the two stars coming so late?"

"Because of my problem, your child was hurt. I am here to apologize." Wang Wu said sincerely.

"No! No, it's my fault, Wang Wu, you don't have to apologize!" The girl cried immediately.

"Yin 囡! Why are you so rude!" the woman scolded.

"No, I didn't guide you in the right direction. Instead, I used violence to hurt your brother." Wang Wu said softly, "You and I are both wrong in this matter, but the responsibility lies with me, so Would you like to apologize to everyone with me?"

"I am willing." The girl said seriously.

Wang Wu asked the little boy again: "Does it hurt when my sister hits you?"

"It hurts," the little boy said timidly.

Wang Wu took out the model airplane that he had prepared for a long time: "I think you like airplanes very much, so I gave this airplane to you. Would you like to forgive my sister?"

"Good!" The little boy was very happy.

"Madam, you have two good children, they are very smart and sensible." Da Mi Mi said, looking at the certificate on the wall.

"You two, go and play." The woman distracted her two children and whispered to Da Mi Mi, "Thank you. Actually, they are not my children, they were adopted by me."

"Ah!" The two were surprised.

"Where are their parents?" Wang Wu asked.

"Our village is called Sunshine Village" the woman slowly explained: "It is very close to the prison. There are many parents of children who have gone to prison because of mistakes. Some have been sentenced to death, and no relatives or friends are willing. The prisoner’s children were disciplined, so they were sent to the orphanage in Sunshine Village, and the parents released after serving their sentence would come to 393 to adopt their children."

"Where are those sentenced to death?" Da Mi Mi couldn't help asking.

"Those who have been sentenced to death or have not found a conscience and do not want to adopt a child after being released from prison will naturally become orphans and wait for someone to adopt." The woman drank a sip of tea, her face still very gentle.

"I couldn't have children, and my husband divorced me, so I came here as a volunteer. On the day I came, I saw these two children crying. After inquiring, I found out that their parents were sentenced to death for making mistakes. They just went to meet for the last time that day, and adopted them as soon as their hearts softened."

Hearing this story, Da Mi Mi has burst into tears, but Wang Wu knows that this is not an exception. There are many such places in China. .

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