The old grandma smiled, her expression was a bit bitter, she poured tea for the two of them, and slowly said: "Sunshine Village was originally a Sunshine Orphanage, with branches all over China. We are regarded as the headquarters here. The adoption is not available due to various circumstances. Parents' children, there are also some congenital diseases and disabilities, and then abandoned by their parents, I have taken a few congenital leukemia

The child, had no money for treatment, and then died, looking really worried about "Three Nine Seven".

"You mean, the money is actually not enough, right?" Wang Wu asked.

"This is enough for us. There were many people who donated money before, but they were all for the sake of gaining a reputation. They will say donations on the media development announcement. In the end, they will not stop. At the beginning, we will find it angrily. So I gave up. Instead of fighting with those people, it's better to take good care of the children."

"I will transfer the money to you now." Wang Wu took out his mobile phone to the account on the form, transferred 100 million, and then asked, "Are we missing anything?"

"There is too much missing, schools, hospitals, and workplaces. Our volunteers here live on subsistence allowances and live on subsistence allowances. They have no income and are often hungry. You are 100 million, and I will save it. Come down and build schools in various branches."

"I'll still be hungry!" Da Mi Mi was shocked. She had never expected that some people would be hungry in this age, since she was a young girl.

"Hehe, yeah." The grandmother said: "These children will be discriminated against in society, and it is difficult to get along with children from other normal families, and because of the special family, they have never received a good education, and some are very difficult to discipline, so It is a pity to build a school for them to study and teach them not to follow their parents' old path in the future."

"What's the matter? The money hasn't been saved yet? Shouldn't the government worry about these things?" Da Mi Mi asked suspiciously.

"The focus of the country's poverty alleviation is on remote areas, where it is more difficult to live than us. After all, we are still in the city, so we don't have that much funding for us." The grandmother explained.

Wang Wu heard what she meant: "Hahaha, grandma, I know your difficulties, I have built this school!"

‘Da Mi Mi pulled him, and whispered: "Do you know how many schools she wants to build?"

"You can build as many places as you want! You are welcome!" For the first time, Wang Wu felt that spending money was so happy. If you are poor, you will be alone. If you are rich, you will benefit the world. This is the most basic outlook on life.

He didn't have so much ability in the previous life, and he wants to do more in this life.

"We will set up a charity organization, and I will be responsible for your affairs to the end."

"Thanks, thank you very much for shooting you." The old woman smiled happily.

On the way back, the two looked at the village. The dilapidated one was out of step with this era, but the children's laughter could be heard everywhere, and the prison in the distance seemed to be no longer so cold.

On the afternoon of the same day, Damimi’s studio made a 3.5-point announcement and established the "Longteng Charity Organization". The remuneration of its actors and the company’s income may be invested in institutions for public welfare. People from all walks of life are also welcome to make donations. All capital flows are transparent and open. .

This incident made the headlines. All the artists under Damimi's popularity have gone up to a higher level, and the business has been received more, and it is full of fame and fortune. .

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