Under her intermittent crying, Wang Wu gradually understood what had happened.

In the morning, someone collected protection fees and proposed to take Yang Jinli away. The popularity of the set only fought with the gang of gangsters, but the number of people was too large, so the crew was still smashed. The gang ran away after hearing the sound of the police car. , The police found nothing.

Looking at the injured people around, Wang Wu said: "Brothers have worked hard. On behalf of the crew, I thank you, and there is nothing to take. Starting today, the salary of the brothers who took the shot will be increased by 50%! Double! Another subsidy of 10,000 nutrition fees!"

"Thank you Angkor!" Everyone suffered skin and flesh injuries, only a few injured bones, the director was broken and the head was still stitched, so it didn't cost much, but this move won the hearts of the people, everyone~ Thank you very much.

At this time, a woman in a police uniform came out of the ward with delicate eyebrows, but there was no expression on her face, and she looked heroic.

"Hello, Mr. Wang Wu.


"I have already asked about the situation. Did you provoke a group of people in the Memories Bar last night?" Policewoman Hua asked.

"Yes." Wang Wu recalled: "But it doesn't seem to be the group of people today."

"They are a nearby gang. They seldom get together. There are hundreds of people. The yellow hair looking for you today is called Huang Yuan. It's just a small person in it."

"So can you find them?" Wang Wu asked.

"Their gathering place is not fixed, and we have searched for a long time and haven't found it, so you have been careful recently and don't cause trouble anymore."

"Okay, I know." Wang Wu is very irritable now. Yesterday he still made his move too lightly and didn't scare them all.

"Okay, we will try our best to find it, and let me know if this is the case. This is my number." Policewoman Hua took out a business card with the words "Captain: Lin Yan"

"Okay, thank you." Wang Wu took the business card and walked into the director's ward.

Policewoman Hua frowned. She felt like she was being ignored, but she didn't say anything and left.

When I entered the ward, I found that there were a lot of people in it. The main creative team was here, as well as the actors and actresses including Xu Shanzheng. Wang Wu put on a hippie smile and said with a smile: "Director, it's still alive."

The director laughed and said: "Haha, of course, what can the gangsters do to me, it's just that the shooting will be postponed, and the release will definitely be postponed a lot.

……For flowers………

Wang Wu comforted: "Don't worry about the director, this is a good movie, and it will sell well whenever it is released.

"Let's borrow your good words."

"Wang Wu, I just heard you raise the salary of the group performers outside?" Xu Shan asked violently.


"Well, they also paid a lot today, so they gave some compensation."

"You gave too much. The crew has promised to pay them for medical expenses."

"They deserved it." After saying this, Wang Wu left without fighting for Xu Shan's face at all. In today's accident, Xu Shan had nothing to do with him, because he ran away when he fought. .

Everyone knows who this is, but he can't help him because he is a movie investor and a leading actor.

Today was over. The next day Wang Wu came to the hospital with breakfast and found a group of reporters standing at the door, scrambling to squeeze inside, but was stopped by the security guard.

Xu Shanzheng squeezed in among them and did not give any response to these reporters. and,

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