At this time, Wang Wu had already reached Lin Yanzhi's place, 301 on the third floor of an old building.

The door was closed tightly, and no one opened after knocking for a long time. He was about to go out and ask the neighbors nearby, but saw an old lady coming up.

"Hello, auntie." Wang Wu said hello with his sunniest smile.

"E, hello." The aunt responded indifferently, which made Wang Hao very frustrated.

But he didn't give up, he cheered up and asked: "Auntie, how long has no one come to live in this house?"

"Are you looking for something to do with his house?

"Oh, I am a friend of his son's family, but I have not been able to contact him, so I am a little worried to come over and ask." Wang Wu felt that his liar skills have been perfected.

"E? ​​What is his son's name?" the old woman asked.

"Uh, Zhou Bai." Wang Wu had to use 403 to show the name of a screenwriter from the same crew, hoping that he would not know it.

"Huh, fart!" the grandmother scolded.

"Ah? Aunt, what are you calling me for?" Wang Wu was confused.

I saw that the old lady walked slowly to the door of the house where Wang Wu just wanted to enter, and took out the key and said, “What’s my son’s name? And I don’t remember when he had a big star friend. You treat me as if I don’t know him. Are you? Wang Wu?"

"Haha, haha ​​Wang Wu said with an awkward smile: "I'm sorry, maybe I remembered it wrong.

(bedf) secretly blamed himself for not asking Lin Yan just now.

"Huh!" The old lady opened the door and was about to go in.

Wang Wu quickly blocked: "Auntie, wait!"

"What more story do you want to make up?"

"I am indeed looking for your son." Wang Wu was about to tell the truth: "He injured our crew and smashed the equipment of our crew. He will soon be wanted throughout the city, but I want to solve it as soon as possible. this matter."

"Come in." The old lady had a strange expression.

"Okay." Wang Wu followed in hastily.

"Sit, wait for me." After coming in, the old lady asked Wang Wu to sit down and went into the bedroom by herself


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Wu looked around. This house has been around for some years, with newspapers stuck on the walls and severe yellowing of the ceiling. The furniture is all in the style of the last century, but it is well maintained and it looks like it will last for several years.

"System! Help me hack into this electronic device, check the records, and see if there are any clues."

"Master, the only electronic equipment in this house is the TV set in front of you. It is the latest model fifteen years ago. There is also an elderly phone on the elderly. It only functions for making and answering calls. I have copied the address book to your mobile phone. ."

"So exaggerated?" Wang Wu was stunned, he hadn't seen such a place far away from the Internet for a long time.

The old lady came out with a cloth bag.

Wang Wu quickly stood up, wondering why he was a little flustered about this old lady.

"Here you are." The old lady handed the cloth bag to Wang Wu.

"What?" Wang Wu took it suspiciously, and opened it to see that there were several thick stacks of China coins.

"Aunt, what are you?"

The old lady said: "There is fifty thousand in it. I don't know if I can compensate you for the loss. If it is not enough, you can say the number, and I will make up for the rest. We Jinling people have no problem with owing money.",

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