"No, Mr. Pierre." Mark directly rejected him, and then explained: "He is still in China. Sending so many people will be regarded as provoking the war. Our current national strength is not enough to challenge China. country."

Pierre scratched his head and said, "Then let the superheroes of SHIELD!"

Mark still vetoed his decision expressionlessly: "S.H.I.E.L.D. superheroes exist to protect the mold country, and they are all spy monitors from various countries. If they disappear suddenly, we will be invaded by other countries."

"Then what do you say!" Pierre shouted, grabbing Mark by the collar.

"I recommend that three agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., who cooperated with each other in a tacit understanding, smuggle in and kill Wang Wu. It would be even better if we can bring him back. We take this opportunity to study the source of force in China."

"Three first class, are you sure you can?" Pierre was a little unconfident: "He has strange witchcraft and powerful Chinese kung fu."

"Yes!" Mark took out his phone and tapped a few times. A projection suddenly appeared in the sky, and then continued: "We send a wizard specialization agent, a warrior specialization agent, an assassination specialization agent, three of them Cooperate with each other so that you can guarantee to kill him or capture him."

Pierre looked at the messages of these three people and felt that Mark's suggestion seemed feasible: "I hope it will be as you wish. I will authorize you to do it!"

"Yes, Mr. Pierre." Mark backed out.

Pierre seemed to have seen Wang Wu's miserable look, and felt very comfortable. He held the wine glass and smiled: "God bless our country, take Wang Hao!"

"Aye!" Wang Wu sneezed in Jinling.

He asked: "System, did I catch a cold?"

The system replied: "Master, you won't get sick, and you won't be invaded by poisons."

"Then why am I sneezing?"

"Report to the owner. The data shows that there is a high probability that someone will curse you.

"Well, which woman might it be?" Wang Wu didn't care.

Because he was busy, Lin Yan gave him inspiration. Through the replay of the surveillance, we can know where the group of people went on the day of the crime.

Half an hour later, Huang Mao's last appearance was determined, and he disappeared in the alleys of the old city.

When Wang Wu flew to the old city, it was already evening. He was walking around the alleys easily, looking for clues, but found that the cameras here were all taken down. The technique was very rude, as if he was deliberately creating one. An extra-legal place that cannot be monitored.

It was night as we walked, and there were street stalls and barbecues on the road. It seems that 403 is more lively than during the day.

Wang Wu is also a bit greedy. Although he won't be hungry, he still has an appetite. He walked to a barbecue stall, found a place to sit down, and shouted, "Boss, let's have fried rice! Thirty lamb skewers! Ten Oysters! Four bottles of beer!" This was the standard for barbecue in his previous life.

It's just that the appetite has increased sharply in this life, and it is the other people's two that are eaten in one breath.

"Hao Le!" The boss is very neat and will do it soon.

Wang Wu was eating while thinking about how to investigate next, but he heard that the boss was cooking while chatting with people. The content made him very interested.

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