Someone couldn't stand it anymore and said, "He's on the top floor, on the top floor!"

"Heh, acquaintance." Wang Wu walked upstairs.

"Brothers, come out! Someone hit the place!" shouted the man with a broken leg. Suddenly there were a lot of footsteps upstairs. There were at least dozens of people.

Wang Wu walked to the second floor, and the corridor was crowded with people in darkness, with ashtrays, beer bottles, baseball bats and other weapons in his hands, and the atmosphere became tense.

"How many people are here, Lao Jin!" the bald man with a big golden chain yelled downstairs.


"It's just one person! The idea is tangled up! The four of us are brought down! The old golden leg is broken!" shouted from downstairs.

"Bah! Damn it, a few rubbish!" The bald man spit out downstairs.

Wang Wu said lightly: "Hand over the yellow hair, and I will let you go."

The bald man Zhang said: "Are you from that broken crew? What can I tell you, Laozi will be smashed! What can you do with special code?"

"I can kill you.

"Oh, I can do it with you. I dare to come and hit the place and unload his legs!" The bald man yelled, and all the younger brothers rushed towards Wang Hao, and he was very smart, knowing Wang Wu If a person can put down four, he must be able to fight very well, so he hides behind.

Wang Wusi didn't panic, and Dantian yelled out of anger, "Go!", and everyone was dizzy and lay down on the ground.

This is his usual group attack tactics, lion roar, and in order not to attract too much attention and cause trouble, noise barriers are specially placed, so the sound inside cannot be heard.

The bald man felt that his eyes were staring at Venus, and then he fainted with a sharp pain.

On the third floor, it is the top floor. It hasn't been decorated yet. It seems that I want to be a casino. There are many mahjong tables inside. Each table is full of people. It was very lively, and Huang Mao was on one of the tables.


Huang Mao didn't know what was going on at this time. He cursed and rubbed the mahjong: "Well, if it weren't for Wang Wu, Laozi would have been enjoying the blessings abroad. I need to watch the casino in this broken branch and be with you. A bunch of idiots playing cards? Don't let Laozi see him, or he will be pickled as a eunuch, so that he will never be an idol and talented actor!"

"Hahaha, you are too bad, Brother Huang Mao." The next family smiled, watching his face carefully, but he didn't expect to still anger Huang Mao.

"Drafting ancestors, what stinky cards did you play!" Huang Mao lifted the table and gave the little brother a slap in the face.

"Brother Huang Mao, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The little brother cried out in panic, covering his face.

"Yellow hair!" Someone patted him on the shoulder at this time.

"Who is so special! I didn't see me educating my little brother!" Huang Mao said angrily, turning to look at it, but it was a strange face.

"Aren't you looking for me." The man walked over slowly.

"I don't know, go away!" Huang Mao wanted to remove his hand irritably, but found that he couldn't remove it, but he tried harder and harder.

"You smashed something, so it's all right?" the man asked.

"Drafting, who are you, let it go, it hurts to death!" Huang Mao shouted.

"Me." The man wiped his face with his hand and changed his face in an instant. It was Wang Wu.

"+! Wang Hao!" Huang Mao shouted, and immediately hit Wang Wu's face with a fist.

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