Wang Wu took a look in the rearview mirror, and he was followed by a big Jeep. The corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, and he commanded from his consciousness: "System, help me lock the three people. I want to know their movements at any time.

"Yes, master.

An hour later, Wang Wu drove through the traffic flow of the road at night rush to a luxury shopping mall.

"The clothes here? Are you sure it really suits me." Lin Yan asked suspiciously.

Wang Wu smiled and said, "Just follow me." Then he took her up the elevator to the third floor of the mall -.

The entire third floor here only sells products of one brand, which is a world-renowned luxury brand.

"Look" Wang Wu pointed to the transparent window in the center of the hall not far away and said, "This is the clothes I want to give you."

Lin Yan walked to the window and looked at it. This is a dress with a pure white background. There are many very artistic flowers and plants painted on the bottom of the skirt. It has a spring atmosphere and is very beautiful. She asked: "Are you really sure? ?"

"I'm sure, only this dress can bring out your beauty." Wang Wu waved as he said.

The waiter came over and asked, "Sir, what can I do for you?

"Help this lady measure her figure, we want this dress.

"Okay, please, my lady." The waiter invited me kindly.

"Uh, you still need to measure your body?" Lin Yan was a little puzzled.

"Yes, our clothes are all tailored to the body of the customer on the spot. We have the world's top designers trim the clothes according to your temperament." The waiter answered Lin Yan's question.

"Okay." Lin Yan turned around and said to Wang Wu: "Then I will go."

"Go, I'll wait for you."

After watching Lin Yan go, Wang Wu's eyes sank and asked the system: "Where are the three of them?"

"Two people are far away, one is very close to you, right in the elevator you are coming up."

"Oh?" Wang Wu looked in the direction of the elevator. Just then the elevator door opened, and a Chinese beauty walked out of it.

At a glance, Wang Wu can see that this is a disguise of people in the country, because the skeleton and body are too big, there are few such strong women in China.

The woman came over, pretending to accidentally trip over Wang Hao, revealing the spring light on her chest, and looked at Wang Hao pitifully.

Wang Wu also cooperated very well. He walked over and politely helped the woman up, and asked with concern whether she was hurt.

……For flowers………

The woman shook her head and said thank you. She was fluent in Chinese and brought some Jinling local accent, as if she was a local.

Everything was normal here, Wang Wu almost suspected that this woman was just an ordinary person who accidentally fell down, until after she sprayed perfume on herself.

"Miss, what kind of perfume is this? It smells good, I want to buy a bottle for my girlfriend too."

The woman didn't speak but looked at Wang Wu with a smile, and slowly her smile disappeared.

"Miss, what's the matter with you?" Wang Wu asked with concern: "Why don't you speak? Don't you want to tell me? Well, well, I am not a tough person."

The woman took out her perfume bottle and sniffed it, frowning, still looking confused, and sprayed at Wang Wu again: "Do you really think it smells good?"

"Of course, if I'm not mistaken." Wang Hao took a deep breath, feeling the perfume smell left in the air, and then said: "Your perfume is mixed with dozens of materials, and you put the most. It is the viper venom of North America, and the most fierce is the scorpion venom of the northwestern frontier of China. Normal people will faint on the spot when they smell it, and they will die of organ failure within ten minutes at most.

Is that right?" and

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