Everything was settled, Wang Wu came to the airport to go to Yanjing to prepare for his next movie-Wandering Earth!

Today, as an investor, he represents the company of Dami Mi, who has agreed to Wu Jing's appointment.

He is also preparing to take the role of Liu Peiqiang's son Liu Qi in the play. .

On the second floor of the agreed hotel, Wang Wu was stunned. Wu Jing took this floor, and it was crowded with people, all of whom were wealthy in the industry, all for the purpose of investing in this movie ~ Ying Erlai.

Wang Wu just remembered that after the big sales of Wolf Warriors One and Two, Wu Jing's investment in Wandering Earth went smoothly. Many people rushed to give him money, but in the end only twelve investment Business, more than 300 million investment-capital.

"Everyone! Be quiet, everybody!" Wu Jing shouted on the stage with a microphone, and the scene fell silent.

Wu Jing continued: "I know that everyone is rushing to invest in this movie! But don't worry, it's time for dinner! I invite everyone to dinner and talk afterwards, OK!"

"Okay!" everyone echoed.

Wang Wu also took Yang Jinli and sat down.

There were a lot of bosses at this table, and Wang Wu actually saw Song Ge with gloomy eyes.

After a while, the wine and dishes were on the table. The dishes were very common, but the wine king Wu had never seen it. They were filled in large white bottles with some old dreams written on them.

"Dear friends!" Wu Jing shouted again: "Everyone sees that everyone on the table has a bottle of wine, right? This is a good wine! I asked someone to bring it from Menggu! My dear father didn't drink it. Drink it to everyone! Don't be sloppy! If you don't finish it, you won't give me face!" As he said, he took the wine glass and drank it.

Everyone raised their wine glasses one after another, followed by a mouthful of boredom.

After Wang Wu drank it, he smacked his lips. The taste was not bad, but soon he found that the wine was a little fierce. He picked up the bottle and looked at it, but he couldn't find the alcohol level.

After Yang Jinli had a drink, his face flushed and his eyes began to look a little blurred.

"Don't drink it." Wang Wu said, taking away her wine.

"Hey, Wang Wu, this is not right, you have to drink it." Song Ge said with a sneer.

"Yes, yes." The others echoed.

"I'll drink it for her." Wang Wu said.

"Oh? Young people have courage! Worthy of being a new era idol! Come! I will toast you a glass." Song Ge raised his glass and drank it.

……For flowers………

Wang Wu also drank, and just after drinking, another person stood up and said, "Wang Hao! Long admiring the name! My wife likes you very much! Come, have one!"

Wang Wu has another cup.

"Wang Wu! My daughter likes you very much, come and walk." Another person stood up.

"Wang Hao"


Everyone at the "Wang Wu" table wanted to drink with Wang Hao, Song Ge sneered and ate the food.

Wang Wu found out that these people had been broken through by Brother Song, and wanted to gather together to inflict themselves.

But he still refused to come, because his physique had surpassed that of ordinary people a long time ago. Although the alcohol was fierce, he wanted to get him drunk, at least a few more trucks.

The whole hall is very lively because of alcohol. Men start to get excited after drinking, punching, bragging, and taking off clothes.

Wu Jing brought his crew and his brothers to a table toast. He only drank a little with a cup of others, but no one had any opinion on who made him the lead actor or the main investor of the filming party.

Soon I arrived at Wang Wu's place. Only Wang Wu's face was as usual at this table. and.

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