Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 789 Is it so difficult to admit that I am a god?

Song Qian found an unprecedented sense of security in Wang Wu.

And Wang Wu also felt a femininity in her that was different from other women. It was the unique charm of Song Qian, brave and energetic.

They both felt very happy holding hands. Suddenly, Wang Wu felt danger and took Song Qian back.

Boom! A black shadow hit the place before the two of them.

Wang Wu kicked out "four three three", and the shadow took advantage of Wang Wu's strength to retreat several meters.

"You are really strong, Wang Hao, no wonder you can send Daun to jail, we can't get him out of any money." said the shadow.

Wang Wu smelled the same bloody smell as in Daun's Villa before, so he frowned and asked, "Werewolf?"

"Well, the nose is also very sensitive." The man sighed, and then said: "I will give you two choices, die, or join the Mafia."

Wang Wu took a step forward: "Oh, you also came to die.

After this sentence, Wang Hao smelled more blood, and it seemed that more than one werewolf was here.

The man said: "Don't act rashly. As long as you move again, I will let my subordinates rush into the homes of civilians and kill them. You are the patron saint of China. If this happens, they will all die because of you.

Song Qian whispered: "Calm down, Wang Wu, I have just called Long Wei, and I will be there soon. You can't make too much noise here to attract the attention of civilians, which will cause panic."

Wang Wu calmed her gently and said, "It's okay, there won't be much movement.

Then confidently said: "Are you underestimating me too much, knowing that I am a god, and still dare to appear in front of me?"

"There is indeed a saying in the organization that we should not do anything to you, but I have to try your strength and see how you sent my brother to prison!" The werewolf felt that Wang Wu was afraid to fight back, so he rushed over and waved. The claw was facing Wang Wu's heart, trying to tear his chest apart.

But just halfway through, Wang Wu disappeared into the air with the werewolf at the same time.

In the next second, Wang Wu appeared next to another werewolf on the roof. With a big wave of his hand, this also disappeared in an instant.

The next few werewolves were all swept away by Wang Wu in the same way.

Now his system has been upgraded, and it can store creatures, including humans!

A human being locked in a treasure house is like imprisonment

At this time, Long Wei had just arrived, they were wearing all kinds of clothes, you can see their profession, waiter, chef, taxi driver, etc.

"Go back, it has been resolved, we return to the base and let them go." Wang Wu said.

"Yes! Lord." Long Wei dispersed again.

"Where did you get these werewolves?" Song Qian asked.

"In my vault." Wang Wu said with a smile, then picked up Song Qian and flew up to the Dragon Palace.

There are prisons specially built for such violent prisoners.

When Wang Wu waved his hand, several werewolves appeared in the 3.5 prison, and two of them were still holding a lot of gold bars in their hands.

The werewolves returned to their normal state. One of them looked a bit similar to Daun. He said with a sullen expression, "So you are a Master of the Space Element!"

Wang Wu said helplessly: "Mage, wizard, how many names do you have to give me and admit that I am a god is so difficult?".

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