A few days later, Wang Wu received a call from Song Qing again, saying that the island city official wanted someone to communicate with them.

Wang Wu said impatiently: "Tell them, no need to communicate, no one can come, Longdian has other people in charge, let them come forward."

After speaking, I hung up.

I thought that this was going to pass, but I didn't expect that within a few days, Wang Wu received a call again. Song Qian said that the person in charge of Longdian had come, and he needed to have a meeting and Wang Wu would be able to change his appearance.

In the evening, Wang Wu Yirong later arrived at the base in Daocheng.

A meeting room is specially prepared here. Now there are five people sitting in it, Song Qian, Char, a middle-aged man, and two middle-aged fat men.

After Wang Wu entered, he didn't say hello to anyone, so he pulled a chair 433 and sat in the main position.

"Let's say, who are you? What are you going to do.

"Let me introduce it." Song Qian got up and said, here she is the lowest position: "This is

"They are guests, let them speak for themselves." Wang Wu stopped her from continuing.

"Lord, I am the diplomatic deacon of Longdian, Duan Wu, a non-staff member of Longdian." said the middle-aged man.

"I'm Li Jing from the Foreign Affairs Office." said a fat man.

"I'm the Jin Gan of the trading yamen." The other fat man also said.

"A few of us are here today to discuss sending Dawn and his gang back." Charl said with a smile, as if he had a chance to win.

"No." After finishing these two words, Wang Wu began to close his eyes and rest his mind.

"Honorable Lord! Listen to us say a few words." Duan Wu stood up and stopped Wang Wu.

Wang Wu looked at him: "You are a non-staff member of the Dragon Palace, so you don't need to call me to be the lord. Of course, I don't have to care about fellowship."

The middle-aged man frowned and said, "I just want to invite you and listen to us."

"I have nothing to say about the release of criminals. No matter how many times I ask, I always have this answer." Wang Wu said firmly.

"That." Li Jing wiped his glasses and said, "Su Guo has given very high terms in exchange. I think that putting (bedf) a criminal back will not only promote the relations between the two countries, but also increase the national strength of our country. I think this is a win-win situation."

Jin Gan also echoed: "Yes, Mr. Char and us signed an agreement. As long as these people go back, we will be able to obtain exclusive agency rights for many products in our continent.

"Are you the ears?" Wang Wu said without even looking at them, "If it doesn't work, it doesn't work."

Li Jing said angrily: "Why don't you come in? Although you are a secret organization in China, you still have to follow the instructions above. You have just taken office, so why are you so powerful?"

"That's right, we, as national service personnel, want everything for the country." Jin Qian quietly expressed his meaning through words again.

Wang Wu pondered for a while and said to Song Qian, "Bring Daun here."

"Yes" Song Qian left, everyone in the chain was full of smiles, except Wang Hao.

After a while, Dawn was brought up, with a sharp smile on his face: "Look, see, I know you will let me go, hahaha, why don't you take my handcuffs off?"

Wang Wu stretched out his hand to pinch his neck and snapped! He pressed it on the table. .

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