He is the owner of Duan who held a red wine auction in Haibin City before.

"Huh?" Wang Wu frowned. In order to help Song Qian obtain evidence of the smuggling and sale of stolen goods, he took a bottle of red wine at a high price.

So according to common sense, the boss of this section should have been arrested. Right.

"Hey, Lord." Song Qian's sweet voice rang on the phone.

"That boss, how did you solve it last time?" Wang Wu asked. "Four Four Zero"

"Although we got evidence that he sold the dirt, someone helped him find someone to top the mine, and helped him get up and down, so he cleaned himself perfectly, and paid a huge fine to save his own.' Treasures" restaurant. "

Wang Wu asked, "Who is helping him?"

Song Qian said embarrassingly: "This, we don't know yet, but what has been determined is that the person who helped him is from a large family in China. The "Treasures" restaurant belongs to the private industry of this family, but we have not been able to find Duan. Who is on the boss."

Wang Wu said the information he saw: "I just saw Boss Duan. Does he have any activities here?"

Song Qian said, "I tracked him down from the island city. The largest restaurant in "Treasures" is here, and it should be his headquarters."

"That's it, then I'll go see it." Wang Wu made a decision.

"Then you pay attention to safety, I will send someone to inquire around the restaurant." Song Qian said.

After the two hung up, Wang Wu took Yang Jinli and said, "Go, I'll take you to some good food."

"Okay, okay." "Yang Jinli, who doesn't know anything, looks very happy.

According to the address given by Song Qian, Wang Wu came to the "Treasures" restaurant, which looked very high-end.

It is estimated that the Roman pillar at the door can scare away a large group of poor ghosts, not to mention the beautiful women standing at the door welcoming guests.

Tall and glamorous, downright generous and slender thighs attracted many men to drool and go sightseeing on the side of the road.

Yang Jinli looked at these beauties, pulling her clothes with some guilty conscience, his figure is obviously not as good as them.

"Angkor, I said I was coming here, so I'm going to change into a nice dress." Yang Jinli muttered.

Wang Wu said softly: "Even if they don't wear anything, they won't look as good as you.

"Hmph, your mouth is sweet." Yang Jinli was very happy.

After entering the restaurant, a waitress walked next to him, smiling and saying, "Please, please!"


The two went to a table and sat down, ordered the restaurant’s specialty seafood, and ate.

Wang Wu's eyes looked around, looking for the presence of the boss.

Suddenly the dining table behind him was a little restless, and Yang Jinli's eyes widened.

Wang Wu looked back, and it turned out that there were two guests at the two tables who didn't know what was going on, and they fought.

A person yelled: "Do you dare to hit me? Do you know who I am? In Daocheng, you have never heard of the name of my brother Nan? Nanlu Street is ten kilometers from north to south, and everything belongs to me. !"

Another person yelled, "Brother Nan, there is a rogue. When I turn around, I will let my brother deal with you! Let you know that there are people on the island city!"

Just as the two were fighting hard, the security of the restaurant came, put them down at 3.5 and threw them out.

"Wei." Yang Jinli exclaimed, "It's all thrown out, aren't you afraid to offend these two people?"

"Don't worry about this, eat." Wang Wu said.

He has analyzed from the incident just now, there must be local forces behind this restaurant, and this force must be so great that everyone dare not fight back. .

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