Boss Duan ran down from the car in a panic, and said while on the phone, "Quick, quick! Where are the goods? Take it down!"

A man from the country got off the boat, holding the phone and smilingly said: "What are you afraid of, are all on the boat."

Boss Duan suppressed his voice and said, "Do you know how precious this thing is? If it breaks a little bit, you can't afford to pay for it!"

"Well, we have been very careful in order to ship it out in pieces." The man from the country said to the walkie-talkie: "Bring it down."

Several people came off several ships at the same time, and they all carefully carried a box to the boss of Duan’s car.

When a box was loaded onto the truck, Wang Wu gave an order: "Do it!"

In an instant, Long Wei sprang out from all corners, about a dozen people, holding guns at the people coming off the boat, including Boss Duan.

"There is something to say, and there is something to say." Boss Duan raised his hand and shouted in a panic.

Several molders also looked around, as if thinking about something in their hearts.

Wang Wu came over and was about to open the box to see what was inside, when suddenly someone shouted behind him.

"What are you doing! We are the keeper of Pier 3 assigned above! Put the gun down 々/!" Several people in uniform rushed over with their pistols.

"Manage Li, Manage Li, save me, Manage Li, haven't we already communicated through it." Boss Duan cried.

Song Qian stopped them, then took out her credentials and said: "We are law enforcement officers and we are acting secretly today, so I didn't notify you. I'm sorry.

"No! The things at our wharf will be taken care of by our wharf! Unless you have a search warrant!" The uniformed man in the lead didn't seem to know Song Qian's credentials and was still very revealing.

"Honorable Lord, this person should be too low-level, I don't know us, what should I do?" Song Qian asked at the walkie-talkie, wrinkling her shield.

"What else can I do, fight?" Wang Wu said.

"Well, it's a colleague after all." Song Qian was a little embarrassed.

"Oh." Wang Wu sighed, walked up to the few people, raised his hand and beat.

One of them pointed at him with a pistol and shouted: "Don't move! Move it again and you will collapse!"

"Heh, shoot." Wang Wu walked over slowly, letting the gun point to his head, and slowly said: "Shoot.

"You" that person doesn't know what to say is so creative.

"Pop!" Wang Wu slapped over, and the man immediately fell to the ground, covering his mouth.

".~ I don't pursue the matter of your money. If you want revenge, go to the Dragon Palace and find me. My name is Wang Hao!" After that, Wang Wu left.

Song Qian had opened the boxes. Inside each box was a water tank. There was a huge tuna in the water tank, about three meters long.

"Is this blue crucian carp tuna?" Wang Wu searched for the few biological knowledge in his brain and recognized that this is a rare internationally protected animal in the world. A single fish can sell for several million. Several hundred million.

(Is it?) Boss Duan said tremblingly, "Everyone, calm down, calm down, I have a card in my pocket with five million in it. You take it and put me as a fart today, okay?

"Do you think I'm sending you this money?" Wang Wu walked over and asked.

Boss Duan saw Wang Wu’s face, he was shocked and a little desperate, but he still struggled and said: "Wang, Wang Wu, big stars, listen to me, I will give you everything you want, please don’t lock me up, OK? .

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