Wang Guohua patted him on the shoulder: "Maybe you can do everything I haven't done before."

As the highest-ranking person in the ten big families, he had long wanted to clean up the dirty trade of the big families. Unfortunately, for the sake of stability, he could not do this. He could only catch some small fish and shrimps, and did not dare to touch the core.

Since his son has strength and ambition, let him do it!

He had never felt so relaxed.

"Dad, Mom, I'm leaving first, and I will be filming tomorrow." Wang Wu said.

With this appearance tonight, his goal has been achieved,

Nine families originally accounted for 80% of China’s interests, but they were still full of filth, and he had long looked uncomfortable14.

So, either they do it by themselves

Either lead them to do something on themselves, so that they can take the opportunity to eradicate them and replace them with a clean nine family.

Judging from the eyes of the major families, it is impossible for them to clean themselves, only he can clean them.

As for his family, he was most satisfied, because he had checked the Wang's house through various means and found no trace of darkness.

"Go, pay attention to safety." Wang Guohua said.

Wang Wu bowed and left, and there will be no shortage of fun in his future life, "Nine major families, I am waiting for you!"

After the dinner that day, Wang Hao thought he would encounter various assassinations and attacks by the nine big families.

But what surprised him was that for two consecutive months, his life was very peaceful, filming, drinking, shopping with Yang Jinli, and occasionally dating Song Qian. The days were very pleasant.

In one afternoon, the director and the accountant were arguing again, and Wang Wu went to sleep for a while.

"Maybe I was scared by myself that day, heh, the nine families, it's really boring." He thought to himself.

The filming of "Wandering Earth" has come to an end, and the time is approaching the end of the year. There is no scene to be filmed at this time. Even if there is, it will have to be postponed until next year.

Both "Tang Detective 2" and "I'm Not the God of Medicine" filmed this year will be released at the beginning and the middle of next year. It is roughly estimated that the combined box office of the two films will exceed 10 billion. In addition to some other movies, his box office should be It can reach about 20 billion.

This is still far from my goal of 100 billion movie kings. China's film and television industry, whether it is hardware or software, can rank in the top several internationally, but the market is too chaotic. As long as you hire some traffic stars to play, you can make a lot of money, it is difficult to surpass other countries.

If you want to reach your goal 447 in this life, you must make some international films and put your films in movie theaters all over the world, so as to have more audiences and higher box office.

The only movies he has made so far are probably "I'm not the God of Medicine" and "Wandering Earth" which will be released in about two years, which can barely be regarded as an international publicity, and the others are only self-confessions in China.

He also wants to change the domestic market, but the premise is that he must first become a model so that he can influence the industry.

It seems that the acquisition of Marvel has to be put on the agenda. Although the country is not good in all aspects, the film industry is indeed at the forefront of the world. .

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