After getting in the car, Wang Wu said calmly: "It's okay, let's go.

"Oh." Yang Jinli stretched his head and looked, and found that the man had fainted in the garbage dump. He let out a sigh of relief and started the RV and left.

Early the next morning, Wang Wu's cell phone rang eagerly, and Song Qing's voice was picked up: "Master, the vampire we caught has spoken."

Wang Wu asked with interest: "Oh? What did they say~ what?"

Song Qian’s voice is very serious: “They said that they have their underground intelligence organization in China, and they have various identities such as international students, foreign workers, etc., but they are engaged in smuggling, trafficking in dubai, and developing espionage in private. Legal affairs."

Hearing this, Wang Wu also got serious: "Where is their leader?,

"The leader is in Kyoto. It is the political center of China and the most populous city in China, so it is also the base of the vampire spy organization, but it has not yet found a more specific location."

Wang Wu said: "Continue to investigate, and when I finish filming the movie, I will do them.

"Yes! Lord!

After hanging up the phone, Wang Wu's expression became serious.

Regardless of his past or present life, whether he is a dragon or a big star, he has a fixed identity, that is, a citizen of China.

Werewolves and vampires would not hesitate to travel across the ocean to harm their country, and Wang Wu would not hesitate to let them die here.

"Come on, come on, come and die as many as you want." Wang Wu muttered to himself with a hideous expression, a murderous aura scattered from him.

Yang Jinli on the bed shuddered and woke up. He saw Wang Wu sitting on the bedside and asked in a daze, "Angel, what's the matter with you?"

Wang Wu changed back to his usual gentle and sunny expression, and said softly: "It's okay, you have a good rest, I'm going to film."

"Well, Angkor, don't work too hard." Yang Jinli fell asleep again.

On the way Wang Wu went to the set, the director called and his voice was very anxious: "Wang Wu, come on, there is a master looking for you!"

"Master? What master?" Wang Wu was confused.

"I don't know what kind of master it is, come to the master, you say." The director turned on hands-free.

……For flowers………

Wang Wu asked: "Hello, I am Wang Wu, who are you?"

"Wang Wu! Come here and die! Ha!" With a click on the phone, the phone was disconnected. Wang Wu guessed that the phone was dropped.

Wang Wu raised his eyebrows, and rushed to the set without hurries. It is estimated that he came to challenge again. Life is really joyful.


On the other side of the studio, the staff of the studio and the studio staff formed a circle.

There was a young monk in the circle with six ring scars on his head. He closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the equipment box. His lips moved quickly, as if he was chanting.

The weather is now approaching winter, and the winter in the island city is colder than other places, but the monk is naked, his scaly muscles are very exaggerated, he is also tattooed with an off-shoulder dragon, and he has a handful of gold on his hand. Zen bullet stick.

The people around didn't dare to step forward, because the monk squeezed the door lock of the debris field when he came up. If this grip was pinched on his body, it is estimated that he would only be disabled.

It's horrible! and,

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