"Wow!!!" Yang Jinli shouted in surprise.

"Hello, this is Song Qing." Song Qian introduced herself politely.

"Come in quickly." Wang Wu led her in.

The four people were sitting at the table, and the atmosphere was a little awkward. Fortunately, Yang Jinli, a young girl with an active atmosphere, kept making everyone laugh and let Wang Wu breathe a long sigh of relief.

The next morning, Wang Wu moved to the Dragon Hall in an instant, and picked up Monk Wunian to the airport.

My private plane stopped there early, and all the service staff lined up and bowed and said, "Welcome young master! Good trip!"

Wang Wu didn't pay much attention to him. The Wunian monk practiced for many years, and these things didn't affect his Dao Xin.

After getting on the plane, Wang Wu closed his eyes to rest his mind, but found that the Wunian monk on the opposite side was a little trembling.

"What's the matter?" Wang Wu asked.

"No" Monk Wunian trembled~ said tremblingly

"When was the last time you took a plane?"-Wang Wu asked.

"The poor poor monk has never taken a plane." Monk Wunian said straightforwardly-fact.

"Hey, forbearance can be there." Wang Wu sighed. It seems that he won't be able to fly in the future, and then continued: "Also, when you get to the place, stop talking about poor monks or little monks. Be a normal person. ,do you know?"

"Little monk, I know." Wunian was very honest.

After a while, Kyoto arrived. The two people got off the plane. The people in the Dragon Palace had arrived. He was a young man, dressed in a poor-quality suit, with a briefcase in his squeaky nest, and kept talking on the phone. Wang Wu concluded that he was a seller. Insured.

"Hello, Lord." Seeing Wang Wu coming, the insurance man lowered his head with a serious face.

"Well, take me to your headquarters." Wang Wu said.

"Yes!" The man in the suit led them into a dilapidated car.

After a while, the three people came to a building and went up to the third floor. It was an insurance company. Many salesmen in suits were busy talking on the phone.

The three people entered a company with a man sitting inside, a man in a suit and leather shoes with golden eyes. After seeing Wang Wu coming, he immediately lowered his head and said, "Master!"

"This is your base?" Wang Wu asked.

The glasses man said frankly: "Report to the Lord! Yes, the real estate companies, sales companies, and intermediary companies up to the third floor are all our people. In Kyoto, the industry with the most people is sales, which is a good disguise. method."

……For flowers………

"Very good, is this the only place?"

"We have bases in each district, responsible for intelligence inquiries in various regions."

"How is the investigation about the vampire?" Wang Wu asked.

""A few intelligence personnel have been identified, waiting for the Lord to come and start. "

"Okay, let's get him back tonight." Wang Wu made a plan.

The man with glasses wrinkles every day: "There are some troubles. Their organization is very strict. If one person disappears suddenly, the whole organization will run away."

(Recommend the new book "From Divorce with Liu Tianxian to 100 Billion Movie King"

Kung fu movies are declining, and young kung fu superstars quickly pass away!

The company actually asked him to match the flow of fresh meat!

To make matters worse, Liu Tianxian's mother forced them to divorce!

In a rage, he wrote and directed and acted in the Wolf Warriors series!

Mekong River, Red Sea, Captain, Wandering Earth...

The transformation was successful and became an unprecedented 100 billion actor in history!

Liu Tianxian wants to break the mirror and reunite.

Wu Zijie: My female number one has changed roles!) and.

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