Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 820 The disguise of English institutions!

"Did I let you say it?" Wang Wu glared at him to release his murderous aura.

Booth conditioned his red eyes, but immediately turned into the blue color of a normal foreigner.

Wang Wu received his murderous aura and said with a smile: "You vampires flew all the way to China just to soak a few female students. It's really hard work."

Booth lowered his head and pretended to be silly: "Sir, I don't know what you are talking about.,

"Oh?" Wang Wu instantly released a murderous aura that was twice as strong as before.

"I killed you 14!" Booth was shocked, showing his teeth and growing wings behind his back, struggling to rush towards Wang Wu.

However, this interrogation chair is different from the one he used to fight and make trouble. All the materials are customized by the master forging of the Dragon Palace. Although his figure is not much worse than that of Monk Wunian, the interrogation chair does not leave a trace. Down.

"Quiet, quiet." Wang Wu looked into his eyes and used hypnosis.

Booth was silent for a moment, and sat quietly in his chair.

"Really good." Wang Wu called to him like a dog.

Wang Wu started to get to the point and asked: "Come on, tell me, how many vampires do you have in your organization?

"Twelve," Booth said.

"How many such institutions do you have?"

"We are a chain organization. We have three chain stores in various areas of Kyoto, and intelligence from the whole country will be passed to us."

"Other regions are also such English institutions?

"No, there are businesses in various places.

"Who is your upline?"

"My level is too low, I don't know.

"How many levels do you have?"

"My level is too low, I don't know.

"Who is your chief manager?"

"My level is too low, I don't know."

After asking three questions, Wang Wu was a little speechless. This intelligence organization was so rigorous that he couldn't ask any effective information on this person.

Wang Wu asked: "Oh, how do you send out the information? China's network information is supervised." It's good to ask a little bit of news.

"I..." Booth's flat expression suddenly fluctuated, as if struggling.

Wang Wu knew that he had asked the right place and shouted: "Say!"

Booth was clever, and tremblingly said, "Phoebe Bar!" Then he fell asleep.

Wang Wu just used too much mental power, this white foreigner should be in a coma for a long time.

"Have you heard it all?" Wang Wu asked when he walked out of the interrogation room.

The spectacle man Gang オ has been watching outside, and now he casts on the five bodies that Wang Wu admires, and replied repeatedly: "Yes! Lord, I know! 453"

"Go and do something, and solve it as soon as possible."

"Uh...but." The spectacle man suddenly became entangled.

"What's the matter, say!" Wang Wu hated his twitchy look.

"We arrested Booth, what if we startled the snake and let others destroy the evidence and ran away.

Wang Wu said: "It's very simple, go undercover. If the leader of this organization wants to manage such a large organization, he must have a list and personal information. If you get this list, you will definitely be able to get this organization in one go."

"But their organization is all from China, and we are all Chinese, this..." The man with glasses widened his eyes before he finished speaking. .

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