Sitting in a chair, Wang Wu took a glass of wine and pretended to watch the waiter's movements in the bar.

Two hours later, Wang Wu's brow furrowed deeper and deeper, because he found that these waiters were only doing normal service work and did not see their actions to submit intelligence.

Didn't I find out? Wang Wu thought hard.

At this time, the blonde female bartender changed her short skirt and walked slowly towards Wang Wu on a catwalk. The demon's figure made the men around swallow.

"Mr. Wang Wu, are you willing to be my Miss Kelly's knight tonight?" the blonde bartender said seductively.

"No, I don't want to, I just want to be your horse tonight." With a warm smile on Wang Wu's face, he took Kaili's hand and kissed it.

To be honest, Kai 457 Li's figure is indeed good, and it is quite rare among his own women, but he has no interest in this kind of woman who trades with her body.If it is not because he wants to spend more time with him, he He wouldn't touch her at all.

"Let's hypnotize her tonight." Wang Wu thought to himself, but his face still endured nausea and made a foolish look.

The two came to the hotel all the way. After entering the room, Kaili was about to undress.

"Stop!" Wang Wu went into hypnosis with staring eyes.

Kaili stood on the spot like a log, exposed to the light, and she was totally two people who was excited just now.

Wang Wu took out his cell phone and opened the recording and said, "Tell me everything you know about your organization!"

Two hours later, Wang Wu frowned and sat on the bed. From what Kelly said just now, he learned that this intelligence organization is located in every country and every city in the world.

The organization is very rigorous, and the confidentiality measures are also perfect. The offline can't get any information on the online.

And although Kaili is only an outer intelligence personnel, she has been trained by this intelligence organization since she was just an adult. In the key intelligence, there are even professional psychologists who are psychologically shackled, and Wang Wu has increased a lot of mental power. Just asked it out.

Wang Wu changed Kaili's memory. She would not remember the questioning in this room (bedf) tonight. She only remembers to spend with herself in the hotel room tonight, so as not to show up when she returns to the bar tomorrow.

Then he took the phone to record and came to the Dragon Palace overnight, and asked them to analyze the information inside. It would be better to contact other countries and let them work together to solve this organization.

As soon as the sun rose, Wang Wu received the news that Long Dian found the identity of the owner of the Phoebe bar from the message Kaili gave.

He is a foreigner of Hans. There are many industries intricately under his name. Most of them are bars, KTVs, Internet cafes and other entertainment venues.

It is still impossible to believe that he is the leader, but he must be inseparable from this organization.

"Check! If you want to check him by other means, I will follow it personally." Wang Wu said.

"Yes! This afternoon we will go to various entertainment venues under his name in the name of fire inspection!" Jinsi glasses answered on the phone.

"Yeah." After hanging up the phone, Wang Wu instantly moved to the nearest branch of the Dragon Palace.

"Honorable Lord!" The dragon guards in suits and leather shoes lowered their heads and shouted.

Wang Wu was stunned, this was obviously his first time here, how did they know that they were the Lord?

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